Work With Me

Clarity, Connection and Inspiration.

Workshops & Classes

  • Psychic Medium and Tarot Readings

    Shaz will tap directly into your current situation sharing insights and healing for what is going on with you right now. Reading from your auric field she will bring through your loved ones and see exactly where you life is heading. A teacher at her core she will guide you to connect to your inner guidance and help you tap into your connection to the spirit world. She can help you through your spiritual awakening and healing ascension journey.

  • Coaching Packages

    “Empowering you to sit in the driver’s seat of your life, and have the control, and confidence to align yourself with your life’s purpose.” Uplifting your mindset, teaching your spiritual healing techniques and sharing tools and modalities to carry you forward in your life and career.

  • Embrace Your Shadow Self

    Shadow work is a powerful tool to create true authentic alignment within yourself.

    Are you ready to learn how to embrace your shadow and accept unconditional love for yourself?

    Learn how to embrace and accept your shadow side by understanding the different archetypes you have lived through in your life and embracing your life lessons to power forward.

  • Release and Heal Your Emotional Pain

    Do you have a niggling pain somewhere in your body that you can’t explain?

    When your emotions are unresolved and overloaded it will result in physical pain, discomfort or dis-ease. Every ache or pain in your body can be correlated directly to an emotion. Heal and release the emotion and watch the pain disappear. Your body talks to you through these aches, pains and diseases.

    Is is time for you to listen?

  • Reiki and Crystal Healing

    Shaz is a Reiki Master Teacher attuned to the Japanese method Usui Reiki – Universal Life Force Healing.

    Combining Reiki, Crystals and Sound healing to cleanse and balance your chakras, auric and etheric fields.

  • Hypnosis

    Re-program your thoughts, change underlying beliefs and remove repeating patterns or habits.

    Hypnotherapy can help you with Weightloss, Anxiety, Quitting Smoking, Overcoming PTSD, Past Lives and more.