Release and Heal Your Emotional Pain

Emotional Pain Healing Sessions

Do you have a niggling pain somewhere in your body that you can’t explain?

There are many different aches and pains in our bodies. Some pass through, others come and go, and there are those that come from accidents and incidences. These are not coincidences or random events, they are signs and communication from the Universe, your guides, or your Angels.

That there is no reason for but it keeps coming back to haunt you at the most inopportune times. Have you considered it a remnant from a past life that you need to clear? Something you chose to process through in this lifetime to clear and heal from.

How your emotional pain is talking to you!

Each injury or pain in your body can be linked to an emotion or blockage in your life. A lot of your pain will be from this life but some of it can be carried on from our past lives. For example – when you trip and fall and scrape a knee, this is a message talking about flexibility or rather inflexibility in your life. That pain in your lower back is a sign you are struggling with worries about your finances. The weight or heaviness you feel on your shoulders is carrying burdens for others or pushing your own needs down. Menstrual pain or female problems can be a reflection of your relationship with your Mother or other important females in your life.

These are pains that are directly related to your emotions and feelings that are not being faced or processed. You can change how they are affecting you by looking beneath the surface of what your pain is telling you.

This is where I come in. Using a combination of tools including, muscle testing, EFT, and hypnosis techniques, I will guide you to find the hidden messages behind your pain. I hold space for you to sort through it all. Not only by asking you deep questions to discover what they are but also through visualisation techniques and timeline therapy to help uncover your blocks. Allowing you to process and feel the hidden emotions and guiding you to release them once and for all. You will discover where it came from so you can instantly release it and realign your mind and body to your new beliefs.

Price – $200.00