Psychic Medium and Tarot Readings

Looking for guidance and direction? Let me connect with your current situation and share messages from Spirit and your Loved ones to help you move forward and shine a light on what is coming up for you in your future.

I am Shaz Cini, a natural-born Psychic Medium, Oracle and Tarot Card Reader. Since I was 16 years old, I have been mastering the art of Tarot and Oracle Readings. Studying Reiki Healing created a deeper connection to my Intuition and Empathy and my readings have evolved from there. I predominantly read from your Auric field and feel your Chakras in my body. Everything you need to know shows up in your energy. Here are some of the ways I can support you through my connection to the spiritual realm.

I have a natural ability that allows me to connect straight to your current situation and its energy. Let me share guided messages that give you options for moving forward.

Mediumship is how we connect with past loved ones. Grief is our sign that love existed and the reason we miss them so much is because of that love. They still love you and visit often. Their greatest wish is for you to remember with joy and all the love they shared. Move on with your life knowing they are travelling with you always and watching from afar. LIVE your life while you are still here and they will be with you until you meet again.

When working together, I am also able to help with spiritual direction, career options, relationships and personal development.

There are several different types of reading styles available. As an author, I created my own Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards and Fucking Powerful Affirmation Cards. I also have a lot of tools at my disposal including many different Tarot and Oracle Cards, Crystals, Empathy and more. Using all of my 6 Clairs although I receive most of the information from my ClairAudience. I hear what they have to say and will share these messages with you. Communicating with my Higher Self and Spirit Guides who connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

All of my readings will include an element of healing energy to help you through any emotional and physical struggles.

Readings can be done via Facebook Messenger, Zoom Video call (you can record your Zoom call and keep it so you can remember everything), in-person or over the phone.

Intuitive Empathic Readings

As an Intuitive Empath, I start by connecting with your energy and scanning your body, aura and chakras for any anomalies and imbalances. Feeling any areas that are impacting you within my own body, I can identify and describe any blocks and problem areas. Clearing and balancing your energy where I can. I will also let you know of any physical or emotional areas that may require further healing or changes.

All of your messages come through your aura. Lost loved ones who come to visit sit in your auric field. This enables me to communicate with them and bring through any messages needed for healing. You will also have an opportunity to ask them any questions you would like answered if they can.

Channelling with your higher self, I will then share any messages and insights that are coming forward for you. This may be around your relationships, career/finances, spiritual development and health and well-being.

Leaving questions to the end, I may draw some cards if you require me to answer anything else you want to learn about.

1-hour Readings – $200

Energy Drawings

I will tune in and draw your Energy and Auric Field. This type of picture will show how you are receiving your information from the world and your chakra system. Here you will see if you are open and clear or have troubles. This type of reading can also guide you on your passion and purpose in life. Your Energy shows you the way forward and where you are heading. Any problems that show up are for you to resolve to create harmony in your life. After drawing your energy I will explain what it all means in fine detail and where or how you need to heal.

This is also a powerful healing reading to share things that may be holding you back from your true success. The way you receive your information and the energy symbols or guardians that arrive, show your best pathway forward.

A great style of reading for those who are looking for clarity in their life or to find a new more aligned direction.

Readings can be done on Zoom video call or in-person or at events. They are 30 minutes long. You will receive a copy of your drawing. If you do it online, and live in  Australia, I will post it to you, if you are overseas additional postage fees apply although you will receive a digital copy of your drawing.

30-min Readings – $100

12-month Tarot and Oracle Card Spread - Email Only

Get a 12-month forecast reading just for you. 2 x 13 card spreads laid out with my Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards and Archangel Power Tarot. It includes photos of the cards for each spread along with a detailed comprehensive documented reading for you to read through. It will also include a short summary video to run through any special messages that may come through.

This is not an in-person reading but rather a full comprehensive emailed reading just for you. It will take 3-5 business days to process and I will email through single pictures of each card along with group photos of both spreads. Intuitive insights into both cards for each month – much like the blog. You will also receive a video message with a rundown of your year ahead and any special guidance from your spirit guides or lost loved ones.

12-month emailed card readings – $200.

Tarot Readings

With over 30 years of experience reading from the Tarot cards, I have my own comprehensive spread to help you see what is happening in your past, present and future. Using a variety of different Tarot cards, you will find great clarity in your situation and answer all your questions.

Readings may be focused on one specific area of your life including relationships, career/finance, spiritual growth and development, health and well-being. Otherwise, you can choose to do a General reading. In a general reading, what is most important from your higher self will come through and not necessarily what you think you want to know.

Tarot can be quite confronting as it is the great unveiler. It will show you things that you may not want to see or have been hiding from. It shows all sides of life and it will be very illuminating if you are not willing to be open and honest with yourself. With the Tarot – You can’t hide.


1-hour Readings – $200

Archangel Readings

The Archangels are messengers from God, have unique personalities and qualities and come to assist you when you ask them. They have their own set of special skills and you can call on them to help you at any time.

Would you like to know which Archangels are working with you now and how to connect with them? Intuitively I will connect to the three Archangels that are working with you right now.

You will also get a reading with my new Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards and/or the Archangel Power Tarot Cards to get further in-depth guidance on your current situation and the direction you are moving towards.

1-hour sessions and you can ask some questions you would like them to assist you with and I will show you how to communicate with them for yourself.

Archangel readings – $200