
Re-program your thoughts, change underlying beliefs and remove repeating patterns or habits.

I’m Shaz Cini, an Intuitive Life Coach, and also a Therapeutic Hypnotherapist.

Hypnosis is a fantastic tool that can help people on many levels, starting with improving their confidence and self-esteem.

During hypnosis, you access your unconscious mind or the inner voice that sometimes can feel like your biggest critic.

This in turn causes you to feel bad about yourself, your actions and your thoughts.

Hypnosis is used to access your unconscious mind, therefore Shaz can help you to start to reprogram your thoughts affecting how you feel about yourself.

Sessions are offered online via Zoom and Facebook or if you are local to Penrith, NSW you can book in for a face-to-face session.

Each session is tailored to your individual needs.

Whether you need a boost to your confidence and creativity or decrease procrastination, release anxiety, lose weight or quit smoking.

Hypnosis is used to reprogram old thought processes, change underlying beliefs and remove repeating patterns or habits.

Appointment times vary depending on the type of hypnosis session you are after.

On the whole, there are plenty hypnosis scripts that can be used for many different afflictions, contact me for a chat to discuss any other reasons you may want to do this. 

Hypnosis for Weight loss and Gastric Banding 

Do you feel overweight?

Are you sick of trying fad diets and exercises that push you so hard without results? 

Have you considered Hypnosis? 

Weight loss can be made easy with 90% coming from the power of your mind with only 10% coming from physical effort. 

Hypnosis can help you by: 

  • Changing your thought patterns regarding what is holding you back and causing you to sabotage yourself 

  • Help you create good habits and food choices that will help fuel your mind and body 

  • Reach your ideal weight goal 

  • Find some healthy eating habits and tips for your meal planning, food shopping and exercise routines

  • Setting you up so you can supercharge your success. 


A Hypnosis session for Weightloss will include: 

  • a pre-interview to discover your underlying habits and highlight your goals 

  • one 2-hour weight loss hypnosis session with a hypnotic script written for your specific needs 

  • two take home recordings for you to listen to for 30 days 

  • additional support for 30 days to assist you through your transition

  • a notebook to record your thoughts and feelings for a follow-up discussion at the end of the first month. 

The weight loss or gastric banding hypnosis sessions are $600.

Hypnosis for Quit Smoking

Are you ready to do away with the cigarettes and create a healthier and happier you?

Would you like an effective solution to help you break the habit of smoking saving you thousands of dollars per year?

Hypnosis is an extremely effective way to quit smoking and take back control of your health and wellbeing.

Using hypnosis you are doing the best thing for your mind and body.

It will help you discover the underlying reason you smoke in the first place and in your session, you will change the way you feel about smoking and give it up for life.

During hypnosis you will:

  • discover the reason you started smoking in the first place

  • find out the secondary gain you get from smoking

  • remove the stressors that make you smoke more

  • release the effects of withdrawal and addictive behaviour

  • change cigarettes from a like to dislike

  • give you a greater chance of success than other methods

Quit smoking hypnosis has an over 95% success rate and will change your life from the very first session.

How does it work?

You quit smoking session includes

  • a pre-interview to discover your smoking habits and underlying secondary gains from smoking

  • a 90-minute hypnosis session to help you quit smoking once and for all

  • back hypnosis audios to help reinforce your hypnotic suggestions

  • ongoing phone support for you to call if you are stressed and need some help

  • follow up calls one week from your session and 30 days later

  • a journal to record your thoughts and feelings on

Benefits of quitting smoking

Firstly, a 1 packet a day habit will save you $10,000 a year.

Secondly, you will gain back thousands of hours.

Finally, you will immediately start to reverse the effects of smoking on your health and restore your fitness.

Quit Smoking packages are $800.

Hypnosis for Releasing Anxiety

Are anxiety symptoms controlling your life?

Do you feel out of control when you need to do the simplest of things?

Hypnosis to release anxiety can help you.

Releasing your anxiety symptoms will bring you more confidence in your life.

It will stop panic attacks in their tracks with simple techniques and processes that identify these attacks before they happen.

Give you back your freedom and that sense of self-control again.

Help you take back charge of your life.

Release Anxiety Hypnosis sessions include:

  • a pre-interview to discuss your anxiety and individual symptoms and underlying triggers

  • 90-min hypnosis session to give you proven tools and techniques to stop your anxiety and panic attacks

  • take home audio files to listen to before sleep to help you maintain and manage your anxiety

  • a journal to record your experiences

  • follow up phone calls to check on your and ongoing email or messenger support if needed.


Release Anxiety hypnosis sessions are $300.

Let’s schedule a 15min Free call to cover
how I might be able to help you