Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a spiritual mentor, and how is it different from a regular life coach?

A spiritual mentor guides you in your spiritual journey helping you with your connection to the spiritual arts. They help you master your unique gifts, harness your connection with spirit and support you when you feel stuck and out of your depth. They are also available for you to bounce ideas off, provide accountability, share your concerns regarding your connection with your clients and help ease your concerns with your reading or healing skills.

How can tapping into my inner guidance system help me in my daily life?

Your soul is always talking to you and wants to help you make the best of your life. It knows the way and wants to make your life easier rather than harder. It will give you advice when you ask for it and direct you towards your best outcomes. Tuning in will make your decision easier, create greater success and allow you to manifest your desires.

What methods do you use in your psychic readings?

I am an Intuitive Empath. I predominately read from your Auric field as everything about you lies in your Aura. Loved ones are attached to your Aura and show up through that. I also read from my Develop Your Intuition Oracle cards if you need them or the Tarot.

My higher self communicates with your higher self for direction, clarity and inspiration.

Is the Shine with Shaz program suitable for beginners in spirituality?

Yes absolutely. It is open for all levels but beginners will get a whole lot out of it. It is specifically crafted to the level of the students in the group and adjustable at all times. I tailor each class based on who is in it. It is not a program that is just taught one way only, it is intuitively designed around the combined needs of the class.

How long does it typically take to see results from your coaching?

Most clients see results from the first session. Everything that I teach you is guided towards creating change within you immediately. I teach you practical tools and techniques that you put to use straight away. It is up to you how you put them to use, but if you do the work and use them you will see results right-away.

Can you help me if I'm dealing with trauma or narcissistic abuse?

Absolutely. I grew up and survived childhood trauma, narcissistic abuse, bad relationships, abuse and more. I have overcome them through spiritual and self-development.

What's the difference between your one-on-one coaching and the group program?

The one-on-one program is tailored to your needs and crafted around what you need specifically. The group program is 13 modules that you are taught throughout the program. Anyone who does the one-on-one coaching program gets to join the group program as well, it is included if you choose you want to do it too.

How do I know if I'm going through a spiritual awakening?

It starts with synchronicities, a deep desire to know the truth about things in life and a need to dig beneath the surface. You start seeing things through a lens that you never really noticed before. You feel things on a deeper level before and you know that you want more out of life than you currently have.

Can your services help me grow my business?

Absolutely. It will give you more confidence to know exactly what you want from your business and I have lots of knowledge regarding different aspects of small online business. If it is out of my depth, I have access to other coaches to get support from or if necessary I will refer you to someone more qualified.

If I feel I am not the best coach for you and your growth, I will help you find them.

What kind of support do I get between sessions?

I am available for you on Facebook Messenger, Text or you can call me if needed. I will answer you as soon as I can. Definitely within 24 hours depending on my schedule and appointments.

How do you incorporate practical life skills with spiritual guidance?

A lot of what I teach is practical advice, it just has a spiritual twist on it as I am able to tailor it for you and give you guidance that is specific to you and your needs and not general in nature. My spiritual insights, help you where you are exactly and in the best way it can be for you.

Are your services only for women, or do you work with men too?

I work with both men and women. There are usually more women in my programs but I do work with men too.

What if I'm sceptical about psychic abilities?

That is ok, I don’t force my beliefs on anyone. I ask that you take what sits well with you and leave the rest behind. I will endeavour to give you some insights that show you the spiritual world and how I do it, but if you don’t want to believe that is ok.

How often should I have a psychic reading?

It takes about 6-12 for things to change and come to fruition in your life. If there are major changes within that time and you want more insights that is ok, but give it at least 6 months for it to flow into your life.

Can you teach me how to develop my own intuitive abilities?

Yes. I have created Develop Your Intuition Cards specifically for this. I also have journals and run Intuitive Connection Classes. I also offer spiritual women’s circles and other workshops to help you tap into your own intuition.

What's your approach to manifestation techniques?

I like to use a wide variety of manifestation techniques. I am constantly testing and measuring new ones. I believe that you need to find out what works best for you and nurture that version. Manifesting is just asking the universe for what you want and raising your vibration to meet it. It starts with believing in what you want so you can see it show up in your life.

How do you help clients overcome self-sabotage and low self-worth?

One of the first things I like to teach them is that they are a survivor and they have already overcome everything that life has thrown at them. I use affirmations, EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and Hypnosis techniques to help them find their value. I help them create new habits and standards for their life so they step into who they really are.

What kind of commitment is required for the Shine with Shaz program?

It is 13 sessions long. You will have journalling and practical exercises to do in between each session. It requires you to show up, participate in each session and use the tools in between.

Do you offer any money-back guarantees?

Yes if you follow the teaching and do the work you will grow and end up better than when you started. For the programs, there is a non-refundable deposit and you have to give it a 2-week commitment to see if it is right for you. If not you can leave and get your money back.

Regarding readings, if I don’t connect and give you value in the first 5 minutes I will refund your money and recommend someone else.

How is your approach different from other spiritual mentors or life coaches?

I know I don’t have all the answers for I am not GOD. I will endeavour to find out anything I don’t know and I am not ashamed to admit that I don’t know everything. I am forever learning and happy to do research where required.

I have a vast network of people to help and I utilise those resources often.

I will also tell you if I am not the right fit for you and recommend someone who is.