Shaz Cini

Life Coach
Spiritual Mentor
Psychic Medium
and Author

I have one goal: to ignite the light in you so that you can ignite the light in someone else and together we can light up and change the world.

I have been connected to Spirit all my life for as long as I can remember. I always had invisible friends, played with the fairies and knew there were Angels everywhere. I talked to people in Spirit not realising that no one else could see them or speak to them like I did until I was older.

My spiritual journey has been troubled and full of loss on so many levels. I have often wondered why I never gave up. All I knew was that deep down inside me, a voice kept telling me I was here for so much more. My Inner Guidance System tried its best to entice me to follow its advice, but I was lost inside myself, so I didn’t know how to listen.

A Traumatic Childhood

Having a parent who openly admitted they never wanted you and blamed you for all the problems in their life, resulted in deep feelings of self-loathing and worthlessness. Many times in my youth, I wasn’t sure I wanted to live as I felt no one loved or wanted me. Being told you are unwanted and everything is all your fault, becomes wearing and you come to believe you’re a problem.

My spiritual awakening started this beautiful journey of discovery into myself. I had no idea who I was. I believed that I was not enough for anyone and never would be. I was often told that I didn’t deserve to be loved and that I was the reason I always ended up alone.

Never knowing love from my family, I had to discover it for myself.

So for the past 20 years, I have been on a Self-Development and Spiritual-Development Journey.

I had to learn who I was so I could love myself.

Self-worth and a reason for living

I have an inner voice that keeps telling me I have a purpose in life. It tells me that I am important, I will have an impact on a lot of people and help them feel better about themselves. When I first heard this message, I laughed and cried. My first thought was, how can I help anyone else when I can’t even help myself? Ever since I was a small child I wanted to be a teacher, so when people tried to steer me towards being a School Teacher, I replied “No way, I want to teach people about life.”

At the time, I had no idea what it meant. I just knew it with my whole being.

I NOW know what it is.

I am here to teach people like you, how to tune into their Inner Guidance System and follow their Purpose and Passion. I want people to rise up and change the world. I believe we are here to create Heaven on Earth.

I struggled with this mission, especially while railing against GOD in my suffering. How on Earth, can I help other people when no one is there to help me? Why did I have to suffer all the time, and why is there so much suffering in the world?

These questions kept me up at night more often than I care to count.

My self-worth was non-existent, I could not see how I could help others, nor could I comprehend why they would want me to. After all, I was nobody.

I had to heal this, discover my worth and accept that this voice and vision were my purpose and passion in life.

Archangel Michael

Many years ago, I had a near-death experience with Archangel Michael and in 2020 he came to visit me again. He helped me channel a deck of Oracle Cards and a Journal to help people attune to their intuition.

Once again, I thought who am I to do this? I am nobody special, but with his persistence, I created Develop Your Intuition Oracle cards and the Develop Your Intuition Journal. They are great tools that enhance your Intuition and Inner Voice.

Around this time, I was told I needed to move into Coaching and Spiritual Mentorship.

By this stage, I had learned to pay attention to this guidance if I wanted ease and peace in life. My Inner Voice and Archangel Michael never give up on me and drive me to be the best version of myself that I know how to be.

I learned all I could about coaching, different methods, and techniques, I combined them with my vast list of spiritual tools to create online coaching programs. They started online during the pandemic as a way to help those who were struggling the most during lockdowns.

With my first coaching client, I was struggling to convince them of how far they had come and how much growth they had achieved in our sessions, so I lost my cool and told them passionately that they are FUCKING amazing. Archangel Michael popped up again and told me there was power in that and so the Fucking Powerful Affirmation cards were born.

I have since created another journal, and a couple of E-Books and I am working on launching a Podcast. All so I can spread this message to help more people around the world.

About Shaz Cini

My Mission is to Change the World One Person at a time.

Following my Life Purpose and Passion

I found the greatest success in life by following my Purpose and Passion. I aim to help everyone I can tune into their Inner Guidance System and align with their Passion and Purpose.

When you follow it, you are so in flow with the Universe and manifest true abundance and happiness.

When you go against it, you create trouble, strife and mayhem.

The more people I help align with their purpose and passion the greater the world around me becomes. I want this for everyone.

We are not here to suffer, we are here to create heaven on Earth through collaborating and connecting.

It’s up to you. Do you want a life filled with abundance that fulfils you, or do you want to play small and struggle all the way?

Your Inner Guidance System (Soui) knows the way, all you have to do is pay attention and follow directions. Life is meant to be easy and it will be if you just let it.

“Let me be your Guide on Earth!”