
Reiki, Crystal Healing, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Hypnosis and Access Bars

Reiki Healing

Shaz is a Reiki Master Teacher attuned to the Japanese method Usui Reiki – Universal Life Force Healing.

Firstly, Reiki healing works on multi-levels of the body, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual enhancing everything in life.

Secondly, there are so many benefits of Reiki healing including:

  • helping with stress reduction and relaxation,

  • chakra balancing

  • triggering the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system);

  • better sleep,

  • improving and maintaining health,

  • clearing links to past and future lives,

  • cord-cutting and

  • reducing anxiety and overwhelming emotions.

Furthermore, each session immediately starts with a chakra balance and alignment.

Finally, you can request toning with instruments, (crystal singing bowl, Tuning Forks, Bells, Tibetan bowl, flute or drums) crystals and cord-cutting as optional extras.

Crystal Healing

An alternative method of energy healing where crystals and other stones are used to treat ailments and protect against disease.

Shaz will intuitively place crystals on and around the body where guided.

All crystals are placed with the intention to draw out negative energy and imbue you with positive healing energy.

Then you will receive a body cleanse and chakra balance with Reiki and other energy healing.

Crystal wands also assist with cutting cords to deep trauma and removing negative hooks and energy blocks from your chakras.

Meanwhile, the healing bed will have other large crystals to grid the bed that will most certainly enhance the energy during the session.

Subsequently, if you would like to, you can also have your body tuned and charged with my Crystal Healing bowl, toned F# for the heart chakra.

In addition to the crystal bowl, there are more instruments available including a Tibetan bowl, drum, flute and some other instruments that assist with toning.

Finally, if my guides come through you may be toned with my voice and connection to galactic guides.

Access Bars Healing


Access Bars® is a relaxing and nurturing process that has already assisted thousands of people in changing many aspects of their lives and bodies.  It can help you with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more!


The Bars® are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and considerations as they are stored in the brain. When activated, The Bars begin to release the thoughts, feelings, emotions, considerations and beliefs you have stored in any lifetime that limit you. The Bars can help facilitate the reduction of stress, pain and trauma throughout the body and increase positive attitudes toward life. Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on technique introduced by Gary M. Douglas in 1990.


When The Bars are lightly touched, the brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioural patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. The brain waves change from beta waves, which are attentive mode, to alpha/theta waves, which are relaxed/fall asleep mode. Brain wave measurement shows increased brain coherence after receiving The Bars. Access Bars optimize brain performance, increase concentration ability and improve emotional stability.

The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result, cannot change. The Bars begin to dissolve judgment from within.


Access Bars have been reported to help with things like:

  • stress reduction,

  • deep relaxation,

  • ease of sleep,

  • dissipating mind chatter,

  • releasing trauma,

  • reducing overwhelm,

  • decreasing negative and limiting thought patterns,

  • changing negative behavioural patterns,

  • improving overall well-being, and

  • increasing feelings of calmness, inner peace, happiness and gratitude.

They can also assist you in changing many aspects of your life and body including:

  • stress,

  • anxiety,

  • depression,

  • trauma,

  • health,

  • weight,

  • body image,

  • sleep,

  • money,

  • sex,

  • relationships,

  • and so much more!

Why do people get their Bars run? Reasons include but are not limited to:

  • to ease stress,

  • sleep better,

  • relieve grief,

  • receive more,

  • create wealth,

  • reverse aging,

  • reduce anxiety,

  • boost creativity,

  • release trauma,

  • optimize health,

  • quieten their mind,

  • increase inner peace,

  • create more space,

  • reduce self-judgement,

  • improve body image,

  • alleviate depression,

  • increase productivity,

  • enhance relationships,

  • have more ease at work or school,

  • have a sense of peace and calm.


When The Bars are lightly touched, they effortlessly and easily release anything that does not allow you to receive. Receiving is one of our greatest capacities and one of the things we refuse more dynamically than almost anything else. Having your Bars run allows you to begin to receive without consideration. True receiving is required for you to create the health and life you truly desire. What would it be like to receive more than you ever imagined possible?


The 32 Bars points are lightly touched. This process begins to release the electromagnetic charge or polarity of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and decisions as it is stored in your brain. A hands-on process that releases hundreds of thousands of points of view that are limiting you in different areas of your life and body.

Having your Bars run as it is often called, tends to be a very relaxing and nurturing process. The Bars begin to release thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and limiting programs that no longer serve you. At the very least you will feel like you’ve had a great massage. In the best-case scenario, your whole life can change into something greater with total ease!

Access Bars is a gentle touch  These areas include body, aging, healing, sexuality, money, joy, sadness, control, awareness, creativity, plus many more. What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas?

Typically, you lie on a massage table or sit in a zero-gravity chair. There is no need to remove any clothing, only the head, hands and feet (optional) are touched. It’s nice to have a blanket on hand, as sometimes your body temperature may change. Sessions typically last 45 to 90 minutes. Introductory taster sessions can be done in as little as 20 minutes.

What is most often reported is that there is a sense of deep relaxation. Many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, while others see colours, or feel sensations in their bodies such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers.

Everyone is different so there is no “normal” Access Bars Session. Each session will be different, every time, even if you repeat with the same person. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it for yourself!

Let’s schedule a 15min Free call to cover
how I might be able to help you