“I help you empower yourself so that you can sit in the driver’s seat of your life, and have the control, and confidence to align yourself with your life’s purpose.”

Coaching Packages

Loving yourself unconditionally enables you to live your life without fear and judgement. By empowering yourself you can achieve greatness through raising your vibration and following your dreams. This is how manifestation happens, and success comes.

Would you like to follow your dreams and live a successful and happy life?

Are you ready to step into the best version of yourself that you can be?

Would following your heart lead you to happiness?

Let me help you achieve this.

How you ask!

Well, I have been blessed with the gift of being able to connect with and see your higher self. Helping you to become receptive to what your true life purpose is. Through intuition, I can see the direction you need to be guided in and pivot you towards being, what you are, who you are, and understanding how you perceive the world.

I am soul-led, blunt, and forthright, and I will call bullshit when it is needed! Trust me, I understand you; knowing that what you are telling yourself is not the truth of who you are and what your true purpose is. This is how I know what you want and need, even if you don’t, yet!

Empower Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Empower Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Empower Your Mind, Body and Spirit Empower Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Empower Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Coaching Packages

Intro Coaching Package

This coaching package is for you if you are a Female Solopreneur who lacks trust or doubts your own Intuition. Would you like to find greater clarity on your business vision and direction?

This 4 session coaching package will help you gain the clarity and flow in your business you are waiting for.

I will guide you to:

  • find a clear direction along with practical steps on how to get there.

  • start those projects you have been procrastinating about, get them off the ground, and set the foundations for you to move forward.

  • receive intuitive guidance to connect to the vision of your business and your higher self, you will know the best way to grow your business and achieve your goals.

  • learn easy ways to connect better with your own intuition and trust the guidance that you are receiving.

How it works:

  • 4 x 90-minute zoom sessions

  • Connection to your guides and Archangels

  • Intuitive guidance and practical steps on building your business

  • Mindset, mentoring, and motivation to achieve your dreams.

  • Additional support via messenger or video chat when needed.

Only $1997.00

VIP 3-month intensive Psychic Development Coaching Package

This coaching package is for you if you are someone who is:

  • willing to embrace your intuition and learn more about psychic development.

  • ready to delve deep into all aspects of spiritual development and expand your awareness.

  • wanting to fast-track your connection and raise your vibration.

I will guide you:

  • so you can learn how to ground your energy and protect yourself

  • to connect to your auric and energetic field

  • with seeing your own aura and energy in a mirror

  • meditation to connect to your guides and angels

  • to identify a unique symbol to enable you to communicate with your guides easier

  • by expanding your connection to oracle cards

  • on how to connect with the 3 main Archangels that are working with you

  • through activating your clairs so you can strengthen your connection

  • in creating a daily routine to strengthen your connection

Weekly sessions are tailored to your needs and growth. You direct what you want to do and how you want to work. I will help you identify your greatest strengths and how to improve them quickly.

How it will work:

  • 12 weekly 90-minute zoom sessions that you can record and keep for later.

  • Weekly worksheets to help you put what you are learning into practice.

  • Personalised meditations for you to create your own unique connections based on who you are.

  • Connection to your 3 main Archangels and how to work with them to understand how you give and receive information.

  • Q&A time for all your questions.

Only $4997.00

VIP 3 to 6-month Life and Business Coaching Package

 This coaching package is for you if you are:

  • ready to uplevel your life or business by shifting gears to create more alignment and flow in all areas.

  • moving and pivoting your business in a different direction and you are unsure of which options are most aligned for you.

  • wanting to leave behind the old version of yourself that is no longer working for you and shift into your high-vibration awakened self.

I understand what you are going through

Why – I have been there myself

  • feeling as though you have stalled, or idling in one spot. Taking one step forward then feeling like you have to take two steps back again.

  • having too many options, and feeling unsure of what direction to take.

  • becoming overwhelmed and anxious so all you end up doing is procrastinating.

  • lacking in self-trust and confidence in your decision-making,

  • seeing The Big Picture, but lacking the faith in yourself to believe it.

  • seeking clarity, wanting equilibrium, control, and stability. Want to clear your self-doubt?

  • not listening to your own intuition, but knowing you NEED to!

I am here to not only offer you that guidance but to get you started on listening to your heart over your head. Helping empower you to walk your purposeful path in life, head in the right direction, and achieve your over-arching goals. My favourite thing is seeing the results of my clients when they travel from where they were to where they are, and where they want to be. This is my passion!

I will guide you

  • on how to follow the path to completely transform your life, from a spiritual perspective. Sharing the strategies and steps that lead you to your own self-realisation of your true worth. Believing in your own intuition, and aligning yourself with what you want to be doing. How to tap into your passions, your greatness, and your gifts to the world.

  • to find the answers within yourself, from your own power, and to understand that you CAN do it! I will support you in understanding and relating to your
    “pain points” so that you can face them, and release and overcome them so that you can achieve your “Ah-Ha!” moment.

How it works:

  • 12 x 90-minute zoom sessions

  • Connection to your guides and Archangels

  • Intuitive guidance and practical steps on building your business

  • Mindset, mentoring, and motivation to achieve your dreams.

  • Additional support via messenger or video chat when needed.

Only $4997.00

Let’s schedule a 15min Free call to cover
how I might be able to help you