SHINE with Shaz

Self-Love – Healing – Inner Child – Next Level – Empowerment

Introducing “S.H.I.N.E”

Transform your Life in 90 days!

"Imagine waking up every day feeling aligned, purposeful, and deeply connected to your true self. With Shine with Shaz, you'll embark on a transformative 3-month journey that heals your past, illuminates your present, and manifests your brightest future. Don't just dream about the life you want – create it. Join Shine with Shaz and step into the radiant, empowered version of you that's ready to change the world."

Let me introduce you to “SHINE”.

“SHINE” is a comprehensive online or in-person coaching program designed to guide you through the transformative process of self-love, healing, and empowerment.

How different would your life be if it was filled with confidence, strength and clarity that gives you the courage to step into the next phase of your life? “SHINE” is not just a coaching program; it’s your personal journey to rediscover your inner light, heal old wounds, and take your life to the next level.

Don’t just take my word for it - read some of the great takeaways and feedback from women who have completed this powerful progra,.

Our acronym says it all:

Learn to love and nurture yourself unconditionally, allowing your inner light to shine brightly.


Heal old wounds, past traumas, and emotional baggage that may be holding you back.


Reconnect with your inner child and discover the power of your true, authentic self.

Inner Child

Elevate your life to the next level, whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth.

Next Level

Gain the confidence and tools you need to take control of your life and create the future you desire.


What “SHINE” Includes

13 Transformative Sessions: Delivered in-person or via Zoom, our coaching sessions are designed to help you navigate the journey of self-love, healing, and empowerment.

Workbooks & Handouts: Access valuable resources to support your learning and growth, making each session practical and insightful.

Meditations: Guided meditations to help you centre yourself, release negativity, and cultivate self-love.

Private Facebook Group: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive additional resources.

Messaging for Support: Connect with your coach when needed for guidance, questions, or accountability.

Accountability: Stay on track with your personal growth journey with ongoing support and accountability.



Want to learn more and enrol in this life-changing coaching program, let’s get on a 20-minute clarity call so you can see how it can help you. Your transformation and empowerment journey begins today. Don’t wait to “SHINE” and let your inner light illuminate the path to the life you’ve always dreamed of!
If you are ready to commit to yourself, put in the work to change your life for the better. Then come and join us.

$997 Early Bird (paid in full before Sept 1)

$1300 - $200 deposit (non-refundable and weekly payments $100)

13 sessions

Session 1 – Create a connection with your Higher-Self

Understand your soul and the connection to self. The two-way conversations in your head are guidance with your higher self. You will learn how to build a relationship with your higher self in order to trust and believe what it shares with you. Tune into your body pendulum for greater connection to self and better decision-making.

Never doubt yourself again. Aligning with your Inner Guidance System teaches you to access your inner wisdom, providing clarity and confidence in every decision you make.

Discover what your body needs. Your body talks to you and guides you along your journey. You will learn how to listen to the guidance it offers. When you identify your pain and understand your symptoms, you find clarity in your problems as they show up in your body. You will learn how to heal your body through emotionally releasing pain and disease.

Experience the power of being fully in tune with your body – your most honest and insightful ally on your journey to self-discovery and personal growth.

Session 2 – Listen to your body and shine a light on how it communicates with you

Session 3 – Healing the Inner Child

Create a physical representation of your inner child for you to love and nurture. Learn how to explain to your inner child how far it has come. Understand your lessons from childhood and accept how they made you who you are. Bring your inner child back into alignment with where you are now and reabsorb them into your energy. This allows you to realign with all of your whole self so you can shine bright like the superstar that you are.

Rediscover your joy and wonder. You'll reconnect with your inner child, unlocking creativity, spontaneity, and a zest for life you thought was lost forever.

Take a walk through your past to review the stories you have carried. Learn how to reframe what happened from your current perspective. View yourself as the winner and survivor rather than allowing the victim within you to reign supreme. Release the past with pure acceptance of all that you are.

Transform your past struggles into powerful testimonies of growth and resilience. By mastering the art of reframing your experiences, you'll unlock a treasure trove of wisdom and strength, turning every challenge into a stepping stone towards your most empowered self.

Session 4 – Reframing and Retelling New Stories

Session 5 – Shadow Work – Embracing all of your Shadow Self

Identify your shadow self and understand your different Archetypes. Embrace all the lessons you have survived and use them as your springboard into your future. Absorb the darkness by shining a light onto it. Review it from different perspectives for greater understanding and letting go of untruths.

Embrace your whole self and unlock hidden potential. You can integrate your shadow aspects, turning perceived weaknesses into sources of strength and authenticity.

Session 6 – Self Love and Superpowers

Love who you are – all of you in this present moment. You will come to understand all the lessons you have been through in life are your specific Superpowers. Make them work for you rather than against you. Know exactly who you are inside and out. Accept yourself exactly as you are.

Discover the extraordinary powers within you and fall deeply in love with your authentic self. By embracing your unique gifts and cultivating unwavering self-love, you'll unlock a wellspring of confidence and inner strength, empowering you to create the life you've always dreamed of.

Discover your purpose and mission in life. I Identify how that shows up and how it will work for you in your life right now. Map out how you can follow it to create the dream life you desire.

No more going through the motions. You will uncover your true calling, igniting a fire within that propels you towards a life of meaning and fulfilment.

Session 7 – Unlocking your Purpose and Passion in Life

Session 8 – Authenticity and Congruency

Be true to yourself and find alignment with all of who you are. Show up exactly as you are and do what you say you are doing. Walk your Talk.

Align your inner truth with your outer actions and experience the liberating power of living authentically. By achieving congruency in all aspects of your life, you'll radiate confidence, attract genuine connections, and unlock a sense of accomplishment that comes from being unapologetically you.

Let go of any blocks and resistance to your new way of life and success. Shift your mindset shifting, hypnotic techniques, reframing and more. In-depth healing of what was to what is.

Break through the invisible barriers holding you back and unleash your full potential. By clearing deep-seated blocks and resistances, you'll open floodgates of opportunity, allowing success, love, and abundance to flow effortlessly into your life.

Session 9 – Clearing Blocks and Resistances

Session 10 – Self-Healing and Ascension

Heal yourself. Learn how to identify what you need to heal and why it is still showing up for you. You will practice clearing things as they come through so you can connect to the higher realms around you. Create a perfect healing space for yourself mentally and physically.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-healing, elevating your consciousness to new spiritual heights. As you master powerful healing techniques and raise your vibration, you'll shed old limitations, accessing higher realms of wisdom and experiencing profound personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

Session 11 – Vision of your Future and Mapping it out

Tap into your vision of the future. See what you want to achieve and map out the steps and goals you need to take to get there.

You will craft a crystal-clear vision of your ideal future and chart a strategic path to turn it into reality. By mastering the art of future visioning and action planning, you'll transform abstract dreams into tangible goals, empowering you to create the life you've always imagined with confidence and purpose.

Session 12 – Manifestation

Learn practical tips and proven techniques for manifesting. Rituals and guidelines to follow to manifest your biggest dreams. Raise your vibration and tap into the vortex of creation.

Meditation to see all the things you want to manifest in your future.

Master the art of manifestation to bring your dream life within your reach. Turn your deepest desires into your lived reality.

Session 13 – Unleashing your Inner Power so you can Shine

Pull it all together to Stand in your I AM power, knowing exactly who you are and what you want to do in life so you can go out and get it. Create all of your desires and have great clarity on how to make it happen for you.

Be the change you wish to see. Shine with Shaz doesn't just transform your life – it empowers you to make a lasting impact on the world around you.

Mel - Penrith

“If you are looking for a safe space to delve into your healing and personal growth, I highly recommend Shaz and her S.H.I.N.E course. Shaz has worked hard putting all the tools/modalities together in one course along with her guidance and support. Shaz isn’t just teaching from ‘textbook’ knowledge, she is the real deal, shares her own stories and breakthroughs and lives what she teaches. It has been a real deep dive into knowing myself, given mental clarity and breaking free of limiting beliefs as well as getting to the core of emotional issues and providing the healing. The course really is an investment in yourself and you most likely won’t be the same person at the end of it. It’s as if you’re getting the pieces of yourself that aren’t fitting right and rearranging them to fit back together. Shaz provides the printouts and various recordings so you always have the tools to come back to when needed.”

What Clients Say……

Darleen Redman - The Aligned Path with Darleen - Sunshine Coast QLD

“I have known Shaz for a very long time and knew how connected she was to her own intuition and the Universe that when she advertised the S.H.I.N.E program I knew I needed to sign up even though I am very connected myself. Each week was building on the other and was also separate so that if I missed a session I could catch the replay. Shaz has a caring, nurturing and firm manner, as needed, which meant I felt safe to talk about things in my life to move forward. Because Shaz has lived this life I knew that it wouldn't be reading slides with words on it. Shaz doesn't need that because all the knowledge is within her as well as her ability to channel information. During this course, I felt safe to dive into both the yin/yang and the light/dark of my soul and come out feeling lighter. I love how there was a workbook, meditations and a replay each week so that I can revisit the sessions that I wanted to dive deeper into. The investment was so worth diving deep into and moving my life forward.”

What Clients Say……

Julie Cini - Fawkner VIC.

“I have been part of the Shine with Shaz group for the last 6 months and being part of the group has helped me manifest my goals better and celebrate those achievements along the way. I am not just Julie anymore - I am fierce, I am an expert, I am confident, I don't take no for an answer, and I want to make plans to thrive and grow and help not only myself first, but others around me.

Thanks, Shaz for helping me SHINE!”

What Clients Say……

Narelle Adams - Blacktown

“Thank you, Shaz for taking me on a journey of self-enlightenment over the last 6 months through your SHINE program.

You are a great facilitator who challenges you and makes you reassess your thinking.

I have learnt to forgive myself, to set goals for myself and to celebrate every little bit of success.

I also know that when I take a backwards step that you have given me the tools to get back on track.

I would recommend the SHINE program to anyone seeking to take control of their lives.

Thank you


What Clients Say……

Athanasia Tsambas - Blacktown

"Shine with Shaz has been a transformative experience for me. Thanks to Shaz's guidance, I've seen a remarkable increase in my self-confidence and inner strength. I'm now making more concerted efforts to achieve my goals and have become much more assertive in my daily life. One of the unexpected joys of this journey has been the wonderful friendships I've formed within the group. The sense of community and support has been invaluable. Overall, Shaz's teachings have brought so much happiness into my life. I feel more fulfilled and optimistic than ever before. Thank you, Shaz, for helping me discover my true potential and for creating such a positive, empowering environment. Shine with Shaz has truly been a game-changer for me!"

What Clients Say……

$997 Early Bird (paid in full before July 30)

$1300 - $200 deposit (non-refundable and weekly payments $100)

Are you ready to find out if S.H.I.N.E. with Shaz is the right program for you? Book a 20-minute clarity call now.