Embrace Your Shadow Self

Shadow work is a powerful tool to create true authentic alignment within yourself.

Are you ready to learn how to embrace your shadow and accept unconditional love for yourself?

Come and learn how to feel the feelings within, without being overwhelmed, triggered or succumbing to anxiety and depression.

You’ll learn powerful tools and techniques to help you move through where you are now to embrace the true you that lives deep inside.

Uncover all of your special attributes, understand your life lessons, and learn how to accept all parts of yourself both good and bad equally without judgement.

Heal yourself deep within and clear unwanted blocks, limitations, resistances and unhealthy habits at a soul level.

Uncover your true potential and inspire yourself to manifest your greatest dreams and desires.

What does the Embrace your Shadow self program include?

In this 8-week coaching program, you’ll get:

  • 2-hour weekly Zoom sessions

  • Weekly journal prompts and tasks to complete your own healing

  • to learn new tools and techniques to help you heal and release old patterns

  • to uncover your life lessons and soul gifts and learn how to embrace them

  • a weekly meditation/alignment healing session

  • question time to ask your personal questions

  • a group to support and nurture you through the journey

  • a free Facebook private group to help you support each other and additional support outside of the calls

Your Investment is just $333 upfront or 3 fortnightly payments of $133. 

VIP Upgrade

Add a one-off 90-minute private healing coaching session to delve deeply into your own personal blocks for just $222.

 Limited to 12 people per program – multiple programs can be run at the same time. Join the waiting list to hear about the next program dates.