Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel holds the key to all the secrets in the universe and helps get to the truth of everything. In effect, ask him to work with you to find a cure for any illness or disease. His other skills include Manifesting, Magic, Alchemy, Clairvoyance, and Healing with crystals. Raziel is an expert at concocting new lotions or potions that heal on a metaphysical level. You make magic by bringing at least two elements together. State clearly what you want to create and he will show you what to combine. A minimum of two ingredients, elements, modalities, techniques, or categories will always get you the best results. His magic lies within the identification of the best combinations. This will assure great success and help you cure the ails in the world.

What sort of products can he help create?

There is no limit at all. Literally, every industry could benefit from his assistance but they must ask for it. Humans have free will, therefore Archangels can only help us when asked. Predominately, he is called on to assist with spiritual and metaphysical products or healing lotions or potions. He loves to work with crystals, candles, feathers, creams, essences, flowers, oils, sprays, ingestible products and more. It is the combination of the elements that create the best results. Some examples include crystals with candles, Bach flowers with oils, face creams with natural products, herbs and salves. Are these things you would  like to make and are unsure of what will work best?  Ask Archangel Raziel and he is your man.

How much better would the world be if scientists, doctors, pathologists and chemists invited him to assist them? They could actually cure cancer and disease. Many of the new products that we have to treat these illnesses have been created with his assistance. All of the Archangels would love to share so much more but they must be invited to. So ASK them!

Manifesting with Archangel Raziel

Raziel is the master manifester. Start simply by calling him to activate the magic of the universe. Additionally, you can use alchemy to change any elements or compounds. Some tools that assist with your manifesting rituals include:

  • Cauldrons - create the magic and alchemy aspect of manifesting. Burn your bay leaves, intentions or spell-like rituals over a cauldron to increase the power of your manifesting ritual.

  • Ravens and crows -  are quite commonly known to hold magic. They have an uncanny ability to remember things and pick the right elements required for success. Ravens and crows can also be trained to follow patterns and sequences and they remember the order of things, they see done.

  • Rainbows - Raziel is highly attuned to the rainbow and chakras. You now know he is saying hello when you see a rainbow in the sky. The chakra colours, symbols, sounds, and DNA helix symbology will also help your creations. Mixing the colours with DNA can also repair what is damaged and thereby heal from within.

  • Candles or Fire - alchemy occurs when things are heated or burnt. The temperature makes changes at a base level to create new and better compounds. In fact, a lot of inventions have been created by heating things together, just look at alloys, aluminium and tar and bitumen.

  • Metal - the element Raziel works best with is metal. Everyone has heard the story of turning lead into gold, right? So including a metal element in your manifesting rituals will always increase your power and response times.

  • Triangles - this symbol increases the power behind all your manifesting. Incorporate it into your rituals and watch the difference in your outcomes. One of the symbols associated with the third eye, it helps bring your vision and imagination into clarity.

Secrets and Truths

Most people don't realise that you can ask Archangel Raziel to help you uncover hidden secrets and to reveal the truth. For example, if you are in a situation where someone is hiding things from you. Call on him for assistance to bring forth the truth. He will lead you on a journey of discovery to uncover the truth or hidden aspects. As a result, documents, photos or records will be unveiled to help you.

Raziel can be asked both privately or publicly. Whistleblowers use him to uncover hidden truths for the world to see and hear. Remember the old saying be careful what you wish for. Be wary of foot-in-mouth disease (slang) as many truths may be revealed unwittingly. Consequently, you will want to make sure you are not hiding something you want to keep hidden. You might activate the law of correspondence and you too will be revealing your secrets.

Archangel Raziel - 14th November 2022

The Archangels asked me to share my personal experiences with them. My intention is to help you to understand them so you can create your own experiences. After each day I connect I will then write a new blog. They are going to show some unique and interesting insights on how you too can connect with them.

Personally, I have been working with Raziel for a number of years making many creations and building my business and products with him. As one of the first Archangels I worked with, I asked him to help me when I started my business. Notably, he helped me create my chakra candles, crystal kits, sage kits and more.

On this day, I was heading home from Melbourne MBS after a visit to my cousin. We went to a new crystal supplier to grab some stock and Raziel came to say he will share with me today.  Since I was already used to his energy and experienced some of the fun things before I wasn't sure what to expect. About 90 minutes into my journey I saw a rainbow.

What is so special about a rainbow?

Rainbows have two meanings for me. One is a remembrance of my cousin Julie's girls, Montanna and Zarlee who have crossed over. The other is Archangel Raziel. Now, this is not the usual sign he sends me, mostly he sends a crow or raven. In this case, I asked - what does this mean for me today? Raziel spoke to me and said he has come to play and share some unique experiences with me.

The first rainbow I saw was on a body of water. I am not sure if it was a lake or flood area since I didn't know the region. It was on the road between Yea and Benalla on the way to the Hume Freeway. There was a gap in the trees and the rainbow was behind some submerged trees in the water. It was beautifully clear and full. I could easily see both ends of the rainbow on top of the water.

Whilst driving along there were a lot of trees adjacent to the bank of the water. Then, I noticed the rainbow started to fly to follow me through the trees. This one was much smaller than the first one I saw and travelled with me as I drove on weaving through the trees. At the next break in the trees, I could see the water and the first rainbow again although it was further back behind the body of water now. I know, you may think I was seeing the rainbow through the trees because at first, I did too. Winding down my window and taking off my sunglasses for a closer look. But it was definitely a smaller rainbow flying to keep track of me. Even so, I asked what it was Archangel Raziel confirmed it was him.

Stalked by Rainbows

Just under an hour later, I joined the Hume freeway heading towards Wodonga. After about 5 minutes or so on the freeway, it started to rain. Before I could turn on my wipers I saw a double rainbow. One of them looked normal and the other had the colours reversed. For this reason, I took a couple of photos of them and a short video.  A noted difference so I asked why one of them was upside down. Raziel advised me to look at the colours again. As you know, with rainbows and chakras, we normally see 7 colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.  However, when I looked closely at this rainbow I could see double the usual colours. Can you see them? I have included one of the pictures here.

By this stage, I thought I had seen a lot of rainbows and I sent this picture to my cousin. Jokingly told her I was being stalked by rainbows on the way home. That is 5 so far. There were still many more to come.

My Rainbow Vision

Continuing up the freeway, I saw yet another rainbow. Here the rainbow was on the right-hand side of the freeway as I was heading north. This particular rainbow started coming closer and closer to the freeway. Just ahead of me another car was overtaking and the rainbow slid in behind it after it passed and then the rainbow planted itself in my lane on the highway and I drove straight through it.

Personally, I have never been able to see that close to the end of the rainbow, because you have to know I have tried looking for that pot of gold. Driving through it was a major energy elevation, ascension and awakening code. The feeling was very much the same as going through a portal. I have experienced this previously. Undoubtedly, I was activated with some elevated codes and felt blessed. This experience left me full of so much gratitude and later that night when I shared the story with my friend Grace she told me I was the only one to see it. A sign of good luck and a blessing was bestowed on me. Obviously, I was invited to share this experience with you all. My wish for you is for you to experience passing through the end of your own rainbow.

Wanting to share my experience

Since I was having so many wonderful experiences I wanted to share them with someone. I called my cousin but the reception was so bad we couldn't talk clearly. So I sent her some more pictures. She also had to go out for a PT session and we said we would catch up later.

Around dinner time I pulled into Wodonga to fill up with fuel, stretch my legs and eat. As I was finishing dinner my cousin called me back and I shared the experiences I had with her. Since the rainbows are her special message from her daughters I knew she would appreciate what was going on. I also needed to share the wonder of it all as it was too good to keep to myself.

Julie said the girls love me and are escorting me home and Raziel is playing showing what he is capable of. Archangels are amazing beings and are only too willing to show you what they can do.

Could there be more?

Back on the road again heading for home. Over on the left-hand side of the freeway this time, I saw another rainbow.  The big full version, you know the near circle rainbow, came and went. I wasn't sure how I was seeing a rainbow from the heavens while being on the earth.

My next sight was of glorious bolts of rainbows shining down from heaven. Imagine lightning coming down to land, and instead stripes of rainbows from the cloudless sky to the ground. Some amazing examples of just how Archangel Raziel may appear.

The last rainbow I saw of the night was just before the sunset was complete. To me, it was on the right-hand side of the freeway in the east (although I am directionally challenged). There was a gathering of clouds. Along the top was a rectangular shape of clouds and they were lined with shades of grey. Below that it looked to me like the shape of a face.

The face had a pointed chin, no shape to the eyes or nose just the outline of a face and it was a rainbow. I wish I could draw so I could share this image with you. No other part of the cloud was a rainbow, just the face and it hung in the middle of the sky as the sunset. Raziel shared that sometimes you may see a face where it isn't and with rainbow colours and that is how he will show himself. So if you see this likeness, you now know who is coming to visit you.

What more could Archangel Raziel share?

After the sunset, Raziel still made time and effort to communicate with me. He showed up in the lights of the cars and trucks at the symbol of the triangle. This is an important factor and part of his makeup. He can also activate light codes, and healing symbols and you can manifest faster with the triangle.

Since the triangle is also the shape associated with the third eye,  make sure to use it to increase your clairvoyant skills. The size, shape and position of the triangle can alter based on your feelings. Different types of triangles help you manifest different things. Feel what you are drawn to and activate it. 3 triangles together are a powerful combination for healing and manifesting.

I love synchronicities. You know you are definitely on the right path when they occur. Whilst writing this article a friend of mine shared a rainbow image on Facebook. This was not a traditional rainbow but the colours of the rainbow floating in the sky above the freeway in front of a truck. It also has all the additional colours. Magenta, Red, Orange, Peach, Yellow, Lemon, Green, Lime, Blue, Turquoise, Indigo, Violet, and White. Raziel shared that as we expand our chakras and vibration we are taking on more shades of the rainbow. Use the additional shades to bring better focus to your manifestations.

An Easy Archangel Raziel Manifesting Ritual

Gather a bay leaf, a pen/marker, 3 small coloured wish candles (your choice), paper to write on, a pin or needle, a metal cauldron (or foil plate to burn into), lighter, tongs, rosemary, thyme, nutmeg and bergamot oil.

1. Make a safe place or alter to do your manifesting ritual. Centre yourself and think about what you are manifesting. Call down Archangel Raziel, imagine his rainbow aura and feel his presence.

2. On your piece of paper, draw a large triangle and write your manifesting wish inside of it.

3. Use a pin/needle to scribe gratitude words, thoughts, feelings and appreciation onto your three candles. Place your candles in a triangle, light them and put the cauldron or plate in the middle.

4. Write a short word about your manifestation on your bay leaf. Place the rosemary, thyme, nutmeg and oil on and around the paper in your cauldron. Light your candles and distribute some wax drops from each one. Fold it all together and place it in the middle of the cauldron.

5. Using tongs light up your bay leaf over the cauldron. Visualise your wish and what it feels like when you receive it. Give thanks and gratitude for its delivery. Then burn the folded note safely.

6. Meditate or hold space while you burn the candles down with your wishes and prayers.

7. Finally, journal your thoughts, feelings and visions on how you feel about receiving your manifestation.

Crystals to use with Archangel Raziel

Clear Quartz is the first crystal to use with Raziel. Known as the Master Healer. Clear Quartz is a storage crystal and it will hold memories for you and help you recall what you need to know. A natural amplifier enhances everything around it.

Citrine assists with manifesting and increasing your wealth vibration. It is highly useful for increasing your confidence and standing in your power.

Iron Pyrite helps to remove blockages, unwanted feelings and emotions, freeing you up to receive.

Blue Obsidian to activate your third eye and strengthen your clairvoyance.



Archangel Gabriel


Heal Your Chakras