Heal Your Chakras

What are the Chakras?

There are 114 Chakras within the body but there are the 7 main Chakras that you will focus on. Chakras are spinning wheels of light or energy centres that exist within the body. Each chakra represents 7 years of your life and holds the key to your healing and wellness.

How to heal your chakras?

There are a few different ways you can heal your chakras by yourself or with the assistance of someone else. Below are some of the easiest ways you can heal your chakras yourself. The chakras are spinning wheels of light - each one spins on its own and has a colour to help you visualise the process. They alternatively spin in different directions going up and down the body. The Base Chakra spins clockwise and moves up anti-clockwise and back to clockwise to the Crown Chakra which also spins clockwise. So you can picture them spinning bottom to top or top to bottom and they will spin in the same order.

Simple methods of balancing your chakras can include:

  • Musical instruments like crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, flutes, and more

  • Toning is a form of singing. Each chakra has a specific sound and mantra that can be chanted.

  • Meditating with crystals on the chakras visualising the wheels spinning at each chakra.

  • Using a pendulum over each chakra to cleanse them.

  • Listening to binaural beats or meditation music in the Hertz frequency of the chakra.

Base/Root Chakra - Red

The first chakra is associated with our feeling of safety and our ability to survive.  Ruling the years 0-7 is all about survival and is defined by the first few years of your childhood. You connect back to the earth through this chakra in order to feel grounded and secure on the earth plane. It is used to anchor yourself back into your body and create stability in your energy.

Emotional Blockages - fear, anger, hatred, loneliness, grief

Physical Problems - trouble sleeping, clumsiness, feeling sluggish, no energy, ungrounded, slow metabolism, poor circulation

Activates - career, finances, karma

Spiritual Law - The Law of Divine Oneness. Everything is connected and life is a continuation of birth and death.

Affirmation or statement for this chakra is I AM. Your base chakra defines who you are and drives you.

Musical Note - C

Mantra - LAM

Toning Sound - UUU - HUH - UUH (the long "U" sound)

Hertz Frequency - 396 Hz

Crystals - Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Fire agate.

Sacral Chakra - Orange

The second chakra is connected to our sexuality, pleasure, and creativity and is disrupted by our feelings and emotions. Moods and hormones are impacted by this chakra. From the years 7-14, we awaken this chakra and as you know teenagers succumb to their emotions and hormones during this phase. Tap into this chakra to awaken your sexuality and creative vibration.

Emotional Blockages - Fear of intimacy, anxiety, abuse, and manipulation

Physical Problems - lower back pain, low libido, digestive problems, infertility and PMS, gall bladder and kidney problems

Activates - abundance, sexuality, sensuality, fun, and physical energy

Spiritual Law - The Law of Polarity. Everything in life has positive and negative versions. One can't exist without the other.

Affirmation or statement for this chakra is I FEEL and I CREATE. Manifestation occurs from this chakra and the greatest creation of all - life!

Musical Note - D

Mantra - VAM

Toning Sound - OOH - OOO ( a ghostly sound or much like an owl)

Hertz Frequency - 417 Hz

Crystals - Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Sunstone, Moonstone

Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow

The third chakra is connected with our confidence, self-worth, self-acceptance, and internal power. Awakening from 14-21 we find our feet and start to decide who we are and what we stand for. Choosing who you are and what you want to do in life happens here. Your passion gets ignited and your purpose shows up.

Emotional Blockages - low self-worth, guilt-ridden.

Physical Problems - high blood pressure, indigestion, panic attacks, frequent illness, and liver problems.

Activates - choices, decision-making, passion, sexuality, sensuality, freedom, and self-worth

Spiritual Law -  The law of Cause and Effect. What you put out into the world is what comes back to you. Treat others how you wish to be treated.

The affirmation for the solar plexus is I FEEL - I DO. It is the action centre, where you make your decisions and choices.

Musical Note - E

Mantra - RAM

Toning Sound - OH - OOO ( the long "O" sound - owe)

Hertz Frequency - 528 Hz

Crystals  - Citrine, Honey Calcite, Golden Labradorite, Rutilated Quartz

Heart Chakra - Green

The fourth chakra is all about love and healing. Your connection with yourself and other people. All of the relationships in your life and the way you see other people. From 21-28, your deepest relationships with your life partners are defined through this period. How you put your needs and desires forth will impact your partnerships in this part of your life.

Emotional Blockages - low self-esteem, inferiority complex, loss of freedom, lack of empathy

Physical Problems - heart problems, anxiety and depression, respiratory issues, upper back pain and chronic fatigue.

Activates - self-love, self-esteem, unconditional love, compassion, tolerance.

Spiritual Law - the Law of Correspondence - "as above, so below, as within, so without". How you see and feel about yourself impacts how others see and feel about you as well. The way you demand or deserve to be treated lies within.

Affirmation for the heart chakra is I LOVE. How much you love yourself is directly impacted by how much you are capable of loving others and how much they love you too. This is all you will allow.

Musical Note - F#

Mantra - YAM

Toning Sound - AAA - AHH ( the long "A" sound like in car and far)

Hertz Frequency - 594 Hz

Crystals - Rose Quartz, Mangano Calcite, Rhodonite, Malachite, Aventurine, Morganite, Rhodocrosite, Peridot

Throat Chakra - Blue

The fifth chakra is all your voice and the ability to express yourself. Your throat chakra is fine-tuned from 28-35. The words you speak out loud as well as the words you speak to yourself inside your head.

Emotional Blockages - fear of rejection, loss, misunderstood,

Physical Problems - loss of voice, thyroid, neck stiffness, throat problems, colds and flu

Activates - communication, self-expression, writing, speaking, truth, trust, integrity, diplomacy

Spiritual Law - The Law of Relativity - you can only control your words and actions, not the way others perceive or receive them.

Affirmation for the throat chakra is I HEAR, I SAY or I SPEAK. Your opinions, beliefs and values.

Musical Note - G, Mantra - HAM, Toning Sound - AAA - EY ( the long sounding "A" like in say and day)

Hertz Frequency - 672 Hz

Crystals - Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Apatite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate

Third Eye Chakra - Indigo

The sixth chakra is how you see the world around you. Strengthening from 35-42 your third eye is the lens through which you filter everything. It is more than your normal eyes as it includes inner sight, foresight, and hindsight.

Emotional Blockages - tunnel vision, only seeing one side of things, poor judgement, irrationality,  paranoia

Physical Problems - nightmares or hallucinations, poor eyesight, ear aches, balance issues, sleep paralysis.

Activates - intuition and psychic abilities, premonitions, clarity, universal flow, imagination, inner sight.

Spiritual Law - The law of Cause and Effect. What you put out into the world is what comes back to you.

Affirmation for the Third Eye Chakra is I SEE and I HEAR.

Musical Note - A, Mantra - OM, Toning Sound - III - EYE - AYE ( the long sounding "I" like your eye)

Hertz Frequency - 832 Hz

Crystals - Amethyst, Blue Obsidian, Angelite, Azurite, Labradorite, Celestite.

Crown Chakra - Violet

The seventh chakra is what you know about the world. The knowledge you have inside of you and the knowledge you can connect to from the universe.

Emotional Blockages - depression, anger at the divine, judgemental, dogmatic.

Physical Problems - ungrounded, dizziness, cognitive issues, memory problems, forgetfulness, learning difficulties

Activates - faith, connection to the divine, universal knowledge, peace, enlightenment, awakening, ascension

Spiritual Law - the Law of Correspondence - "as above, so below, as within, so without". How you see and feel about yourself impacts how others see and feel about you as well. The way you demand or deserve to be treated lies within.

Affirmation for the crown chakra is I AM and I KNOW. The knowledge you learn through your education, life experiences and connection to the divine.

Musical Note - B

Mantra - Silence

Toning Sound - EEE ( the long sounding "E" like in tree)

Hertz Frequency - 963 Hz

Crystals - Clear Quartz, Lemurian Quartz, Azeztulite, Apophyllite, Selenite, Phenacite

Can someone else heal your chakras for you?

Absolutely! A friend or family member can assist you with the above. Walking you through your visualisation, playing the instruments, or using the pendulum. Sometimes you just might want someone to do it with you.

You can also seek a professional energy healer. A Reiki Healer can heal your chakras for you by cleansing them and realigning them. Crystal Healers can help you with a crystal healing experience. Sound therapists, Aura Soma practitioners, Kinesiologists and other spiritual healers may offer this service.

It is entirely up to you. Seek out the type of healer you want or just do it yourself. There are plenty of meditation and guided practices on YouTube


Archangel Raziel


12 Universal Laws