Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the Archangel for creativity, fertility, music, writing, creative expression, artists, and more. Archangels don't really have a Gender but I refer to them as male and female depending on their energy. For me, Archangel Gabriel appears as a female energy connected to birth, rebirth, and creative expression. Commonly referred to as a Muse she brings inspiration and ideas forward for you to implement. Some examples include - helping musicians compose music and lyrics, writers overcome writer's block, and artists with their painting and drawing. You know when the creative bug strikes that is usually because she is whispering in your ear.

How does Archangel Gabriel Communicate?

Gabriel is associated with clairaudience. Ideas are whispered to you. Seeds are planted in your mind for you to follow or images shine bright in nothing for you to bring to life. Have you ever looked at a wall or blank canvas and seen exactly what you want to create?

In the quietness of your mind, you may hear words, prose, song lyrics, or her voice guiding you along your way. Whilst going about your busy life she will bring your attention to important things. Put symbols or images right in front of you so you can't miss them and repeat them if necessary. Draw your attention to words in music or conversations that you may not normally hear. Bring focus and clarity to your ideas so you can create them and birth them into life.

How to recognise her?

Archangel Gabriel is a golden yellow colour. Depicted in the sky with her trumpet she appeared to the Three Wise Men to inform them of Jesus' birth. Referred to as the "Messenger from God" as she delivers messages from God to earth. Her energy is warm and much like a sunny day and you feel comfort and joy around her. She promotes inner confidence and uplifts your self-esteem so you feel like you can do anything.

Song lyrics provide a lot of messages and inspiration. You will hear what you need to in order to provide the healing you require in your relationships and your connection to self. When no one else is around she will call your name to garner your attention. When she calls you it is to give you a boost of inspiration that needs to be acted upon.

A lot of her information is channeled through automatic writing. She is very verbose and will give you a lot of detail to write down to clarify your messages. There is a rhythm to almost everything she brings so allow the beat of it to guide you to your success.

My personal experiences with Archangel Gabriel - 17th -19th November 2023.

Last Thursday Gabriel told me she will be sharing her energy with me today. I was on the way to visit a friend of mine Bee - one of her symbols - so it didn't surprise me at all. I recently bought Bee a gift and I forgot it so I said I would go back to get it. She told me to leave it at home as I would use the vibration of it over the next few days. Therefore, I left it at home and continued on my way.

Whilst driving I focus on the direction I am going and try to keep my eyes and awareness on the road. The first things she brought to my attention were yellow cars. In the first 10 minutes of my trip, I saw 5 yellow cars in different shades of yellow and a yellow truck. You may not think this is that extraordinary but I rarely notice yellow cars and certainly never have my attention drawn to them along the way.

Yellow objects and vibration

The other things I also saw were plenty of new yellow signs and street signs I never paid attention to. Having driven the same way to my friend's house at least 5 times in the past month, I never noticed them before. I even saw more yellow vehicles, a bike, ute, and truck and as well as a yellow house. I also encountered bees on the way and one landed on the windscreen too.

She whispered in my ear - "How does this make you feel?" Tuning into my feelings I was so full of joy and gratitude. I was happy, laughing, singing, and having fun on my drive. All the yellow energy was uplifting me making me smile and think happy thoughts. Some of my favourite songs came through on my iPhone and I said at least three times "I haven't heard this song in ages" and they are some of my favourites. Now that may not seem miraculous, but considering I drove to Melbourne last week and listened to music all the way down and back I never heard these songs. Each song has a very special and specific meaning and memory for me and thinking about those made me happier too.

Sharing the wonder with my friend Bee

After my last article, Bee mentioned she wished she could experience the Archangels like that. So picking her up from her house as we were going out to lunch I told her about Gabriel. As we started driving, I asked her if she noticed the yellow things on the way past. She said "No" so I told her to sit back and watch. Just down the road from her house, we turned onto the main street and 3 yellow cars were parked on the side of the road in a short space. There were also new yellow signs and shop fronts in the same colour.

Our trip was to check out a venue for a new event we are planning together for next year. After confirming the location and availability for the event, Bee shared the Archangel items she had created. When she handed them to me Archangel Gabriel was on top. Another sign to show us she was with us. Our planning flowed with ease in regard to the event we were discussing and all the ideas, dates, and plans came together. We confirmed the booking date, set the menu, and refined all of our ideas together so we could ahead with it.

Lunch with another friend for his birthday

A friend came to join us for lunch as it was his birthday and I wanted to catch up. Being psychic he was sharing some insights with Bee when we heard the song Ghost Busters. We had been where we were for 2 hours by this stage and never noticed any of the music. But right at the time, we were discussing the event, and spirit visiting this song came on. Amazing synchronicity and another easy way Archangel Gabriel can show you that you are on the right path.

Normally when we are out to lunch or socialising we don't really do psychic readings for each other. My friend started to get intuitive messages for Bee and she needed this gentle healing and clarification for herself. As we sat laughing and enjoying lunch messages continued to come. Gabriel was sharing insights into what was coming up and many more ideas were created that day.

Updating one of my co-hosts on our event

After lunch, I went to meet with one of the girls for my event and drop off some gifts to her. We work together a lot and she is joining me on the new Event we were planning today. I wanted to share the decisions we made and confirm her commitment to the project so I could start advertising it. As we sat and talked a few different ideas came up for more projects for next year and bandied about more events. Gabriel brought forth her confidence for my friend as she embarks on stepping out of her comfort zone. She enhanced her clairaudience so she could hear what she will need in this project. We were amazed!

On the way out we were laughing and talking about it and she offered me some fruit. There were beautiful pieces of pineapple cut up and ready for her son. The sweetness of the fruit was divine and it was just another way you can connect with Gabriel. Subtle things that show how she is with you. Over the next two days, I have been creating a lot of marketing material and re-writing my website. Each time I need to write something I have been eating pineapple as she requested. So much flow and ease is appearing in my writing. I love it.

More subtle messages from Gabriel

Stopping at the shops on the way home for dinner I had to grab something from the newsagent. The guy who served me was wearing a yellow shirt. As I walked into Woollies another guy was unloading a selection of flowers that were all yellow. The first fruit at the front of the store was mangos and bananas. I grabbed some pasta for dinner it was in a yellow packet. And then when I went back to my car there was a yellow car parked next to me.

After dinner, I was creating some content for social media and updated my website. I had to go back onto Facebook and the first post I saw was Gabby Bernstein advertising another tour. An email came in from someone named Gabriela that I haven't received before. To sell tickets I needed a plugin for my website their sales page was yellow. And finally, I was writing sales copy for our event that just flowed freely. I usually struggle to write content but I had so much flow it was amazing.

Crystals to work with Archangel Gabriel

Citrine is a stone for confidence and abundance that will help you create and write with ease. It increases optimism and creates a sunny disposition. Use it for creative expression and standing in your power.

Honey Calcite encourages responsibility for actions. Promoting confidence, and courage and increasing your self-worth. It helps you break free of old habits and bring much-needed inspiration to you.

Lemon Quartz enhances positivity, transformation and creativity. Emanates feelings of positivity, joy and happiness. Promotes clear thinking and enhances your intuition.

Carnelian promotes creativity and completion. It will help you finish the projects that you start and bring a sense of joy to your creations. Brings passion and desire to your creations and allows you confidently share them with others.

Activation Prayer to Archangel Gabriel


Archangel Uriel


Archangel Raziel