12 Universal Laws

12 Universal Laws help us make the most of life and get the greatest benefit we can out of it. I am sure a lot of you have heard of a couple of the laws like the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration, but you may not know them all. This is my take on the 12 laws and how you can make them work in your life too.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

Basically, this one means that everything in life is connected. It highlights this interconnectedness and how every thought, feeling and action is connected to anything and everything else. What you say, think and do makes an impact on the world around you.

The greatest way to activate and make the most of this law is to be compassionate and kind to others. Your consideration of them in your thoughts and words will have a huge impact on what happens to yourself. Be open to understanding what they are going through and help in any way you can.

Think about it like this - when you show love and compassion for what someone else is going through or experiencing you are allowing the universe to comfort you so you don't have to go through something like it. Learn from others so you don't have to experience yourself first-hand.

2. Law of Vibration

Everything is in constant motion and vibrating at a specific frequency. Nothing is truly still it is always moving and evolving and you can tune into this by adjusting your own frequency.

This is a great law that has a high impact on money - where your vibrational frequency in relation to money exists will determine how much money you can earn, save and spend. Raise your vibration to greater heights and you become wealthy.

So you may find yourself in low-paying jobs, working too hard for not enough, being able to earn lots of money but spend more than you earn or unable to save or keep lots of money around. Consider where your vibration or money frequency sits, clear your limiting beliefs around it and raise your vibration and watch how easily money starts to flow into your life.

3. Law of Correspondence

We are the masters of our reality - what we think about, speak about and do becomes the reality around us. "As above, So below and As within, So without" explain this law. The reality around us is created by the subconscious patterns you fall into. Upgrade your subconscious thinking and things improve around you.

Our outside world is a reflection of our inside thoughts. So if you think happy thoughts and great things then these things happen. If you think the worst and become depressed you create darkness externally in your life too. You conjure up your reality but how you think and act - you want to change the external start with changing the internal and vice versa.

You want to be happy - think happy thoughts and do happy things. When you find yourself judging others, complaining about everything and expecting the worst - that is exactly what will happen.

4. Law of Attraction

Most people know about this law or have heard of it. Like, attract like. You learn to vibrate at a level of consciousness for the things you want and they are attracted into your life. Visualise it, feel the emotions surrounding it and believe it will happen and it will.

Ask the universe for what you want, believe without a doubt that you will get it and the universe will deliver it for you. Find gratitude in all you have already, focus on what you desire and allow the divine to deliver it to you. It usually means you work for it, buy it or put effort into achieving it but your dreams and desires become your reality.

First, you have to be very clear on what you want, journal about it and create a vision board or other visual imprint of what you want. Feel into it - imagine what it feels like to be your reality. Release it and allow the universe to direct you to your achievement. Be strong in your commitment to this or something better, never settling for something less. You will achieve these desires.

5. Law of Inspired Action

When you receive that gentle nudge from the universe to go and do something - act on it without delay. Action is the most important factor in life for if we are not out there helping ourselves nothing will for us.

The Universe, God, your higher self, spirit guides or intuition all give you signals of what you need to do to make your dreams come true. When you get that nudge that inspiration act on it swiftly. The faster you take the action required the faster you manifest your dreams.

If you want new things in your life do something to make them happen. It is not like a magic genie comes along and does it all for you. You have to take steps. If you want a better job, apply for them, the exact one you want or something better. If you want a relationship go out and be at places where it may happen - no one is going to come and knock on your door while you are at home in your pyjamas.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The universe is constantly moving and fluctuating. Every action is preceded by a thought and those thoughts manifest into our physical reality. Your thoughts transmute the energy around you.

Actively seek to uplift your negative energy with positive thoughts. Shift your thinking into better things and you shift away from the bad stuff. We all go through tough times but they don't last and you can make them shift through quicker by what you think during these times.

If you are beating yourself up or thinking that life sux or everything bad happens to me that is the reality that you create. When you think of happy things, have fun and dream about good times they show up in your life. The more positive your thoughts are the more positive your life is.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

Every action has an equal reaction whether good or bad. "What goes around comes around" sums up this law effectively. You may not always see the effect when you want it to but it will definitely show up. This is how we mostly perceive Karma.

Your thoughts, words and actions have a ripple effect on the universe. If you spend time thinking or doing horrible things then those things will happen to you - when you focus on doing wonderful things that is what will happen instead. Kindness begets kindness.

If you do something bad to someone else - someone will end up doing something bad to you. If you do a great deed to someone else that will also be repaid in kind. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

8. Law of Compensation

"You reap what you sow" sums up this one. Your efforts come back to you. The effort you put into something equals the reward that you see.

Consider how you can support other people to achieve their dreams and you will start to achieve your own. You have to contribute to your own success.

Think about elite sports people and the effort they put into their fitness and training. How many hours does a musician practice in order to perform? They reap the rewards from the hours they spend perfecting their craft.

9. Law of Relativity

Everyone has a different perception or perspective in life. The way you compare yourself to others matters. "The grass is not always greener on the other side."

Instead of judging others and being jealous or envious of their success, find compassion and gratitude in it. Appreciate who they are, what they have got and how they got there.

We often hear of instant success stories - and there is no such thing. You never know the effort people have put in to achieve what they have. If you want it as well, go out and create your own success and use theirs as a booster instead of a barrier.

10. Law of Polarity

Everything in life has a negative and positive version of it. There is an opposite to all things. Hot and Cold. Light and Dark. Love and Fear. Black and White. There are two sides to everything.

If you need to gain an understanding of anything in life, tune into the opposite power. If something is not working for you in your life, tune into the opposite effect of it.

Fear can be released by love.  Shine a light on any dark thoughts or feelings and see them for what they truly are. If the water is too hot then add cold water. Utilise the opposites to bring forth the results that you desire.

11. Law of Rhythm

Everything in life is a cycle. There is no way to stay the same all the way through life, it is forever changing cycles and we need to adapt. The seasons of the year, the lunar cycles, weather cycles, and astrological cycles can all help you tap into the rhythm of flow.

Use the cycles of life to improve things in your life. There are optimum times to plant fruits and vegetables and harvest them. The cycle of your body can also impact your productivity and output.

Pay attention to these cycles and use them to enhance your achievements. If you are not feeling something, then rest or sit back for a while until the flow comes again. Don't push against the grain as you create hardship for yourself.

12. Law of Gender

Masculine and feminine energy exists within everything in life. Both parties are needed to be aligned and balanced for true success. They must co-exist.

Masculine traits include logic and reason. Feminine traits include nurturing and intuition. No one is all one or the other. This is not about your sex it is about the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies that exist in everything.

When these energies are balanced and harmonious you achieve greatness. Chaos occurs when they are out of whack. If the softly softly approach is not working for you, go with the direct approach and see what happens.

Why do the 12 Universal Laws matter?

These laws when put into use create flow and abundance in the universe. They apply to all areas of your life. Use them to combat struggles and create peace and harmony. You will achieve greater success in life when you put them into action.

They matter because you matter. Everything has an impact on everything else so use what you have to make the impact you want. Take control of your world and make things happen for you rather than to you.



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