Universal Year 7

Universal Year 7 (2023).  The Universal Year is from 1 January until 31 December. Every living thing/being is affected the numerological energy of the year. While your Personal Year affects you as an individual, starting from birthday to birthday. In order to find your Personal year, add your Day and Month together, and then add the current year - 2023 = 7. When your Personal Year is different to the Univeral Year, then the Universal Year acts as a background influence for the Personal Year. By the same token when your Personal Year is the same as the Universal Year, the influence of this period is magnified.

The Universal Year 7 is referred to as the year of the Mystic

Seven is known as the MYSTIC number ~

One thing to remember during a 7-year is to always expect the unexpected. To that end, things may not necessarily go as planned. 7 is the number of faith. Unless faith is replaced with fear (which is where a lot of people are at this current time).

When you sit in fear you become withdrawn, cynical and nervous tension escalates. Be careful of allowing the fear vibration to take over, as you will create a lot of loss. A lot of things will end this year if you are out of alignment or non-congruent with your thoughts and feelings. For instance, do not think fearful or low vibrational thoughts about your relationships, jobs, property, money and health. Keep your vibration high and stay in LOVE to make this year work for you instead of against you.

During the mystical year, many secrets are revealed. Those who are not 'awake', usually become angry when they realise what has been hidden.

The main characteristics of the Universal Year 7

  •  7 is the number of secrets and hidden truths, these will be revealed on a global level in 2023.

  •  On a personal level, 7 will send you on a deep dive into the truth about yourself and others and situations.

  • The number 7 searches for answers both spiritually and scientifically.

  •  There are 7 days of the week, 7 main chakras, 7 Oceans, 7 continents and 7 colours of the rainbow.

  •  7 is about consolidation and perfection.

  •  Agriculture and ecological pursuits are heightened in a 7 Universal Year.

  • The Universal year 7 is also a year of discovery - Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 (7).

The world has woken up over the past few years, some people are still contemplating, and many others never will. 2023 is the year to take advantage of the 7 frequency when we delve into the bigger picture of becoming more aware of what has been evolving.

For those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th day of any month, 2023 will have an extremely strong influence with a turning point in your life. You will shift into a ‘new phase’ of awareness.

If you are in a personal year 7 as well, it will be extremely profound as it is the same frequency as the universal year.

Therefore, it is a perfect time for you to study metaphysical topics, ie. Numerology, Astrology or Spiritual research to find yourself at a much deeper level.

What do the Numbers Work Deck say about 2023?

Lyn has created the Numbers Work Deck of cards. Here are all of the #7 cards to give an overview of the year ahead.

Simply put, 7 is focused on Spiritual Enlightenment, Science, Research, Intuition, Questions, Wisdom and Success. In numerology, there are 9 yearly cycles. Each yearly cycle is set as a lesson or lessons to learn during the 12 months they are active.


The spotlight is very much on


and quiet reflection in a ‘7’ vibration. To renew our energy and to clarify our direction. Take some time out, go on a spiritual retreat or sabbatical. Learn meditation (if you don’t already).


will deepen your understanding so research for the deeper meaning of your life. You will find the answers to the questions and mysteries which have been hidden from us. Superficial knowledge can be misleading so be thorough in your search.


will bring dividends as a choice between that which is temporary and that which is lasting is made. A reassessment will deepen and strengthen self-understanding. Make your choices wisely.

Seek specialised


and expertise from a teacher or mentor when the opportunity presents itself, this will increase your understanding at a quicker pace. Do not be satisfied with what lies on the surface, dig deeper.

The Numino Deck - Major Arcana Equivalent


by going deeper within will bring more clarity and direction. Have trust in your third eye (intuition). Research on the third eye chakra will be rewarding, taking you to the next level of your consciousness.


acknowledgment of your inner understanding will strengthen your efforts by exploring the mysteries of life. The answers are there to be found, all you have to do is explore and trust.

Life is a never-ending cycle, we are here to learn, to discover the mysteries of life. The universal year 7 is an excellent opportunity to journey through 2023 researching, going deep within, contemplating, to reflect the past and the present and planning for the future of moving forward.

Personal Forecast 12-month spread

Would you like to see how your numbers are affecting you this year? Lyn offers personal forecasts, a 12-month personal predictive forecast, to guide you in the year ahead. The forecasts commence from birthday to birthday and interrelate with the universal forecast. Where are you on your 9-year cycle?

 By all means,

Connect with Lyn

she has a special offer just for you - $125 for your 12-month numerology forecast. 

Lyn Busittil - Yours in Numbers

Would you like to purchase a Yours In Numbers Deck?

They are just $20 a deck plus P&H $9.80 up to 2 decks for this P&H.


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