Manifesting is Easy

Manifesting is easy if you just let it be.

It is a simple thought. Just ask and it shall be delivered!

My recent experience with Manifesting

You all know that pre-Christmas funk. Where you sit and worry about gifts and food and all the usual Christmas Drama that comes with family. Well, I was there, immersed in it when I happened across a manifesting suggestion.

Recently, I noticed my money story had begun to regress back to a negative mindset with the approach to Christmas. In this case, I decided it was time to put a stop to it. Although consciously aware my mindset was off, apart from catching myself out and reframing my thoughts, I wasn’t actively doing anything to correct it. Now it was time to prove to myself that those old stories and patterns were no longer necessary Once and for all.

That was when the universe stepped in with a suggestion. A video of a young lady who made it all sound so Simple. Just ask! That was pretty much it in a nutshell…. 

Looking back I have been a rather successful manifestor in the past without consciously being aware of it. I have manifested at least two jobs, a car, a romantic partner, and a block of land. Not to mention many many parking spots, seats at the movies and so on.

We all do it, we just don’t recognize or acknowledge it as manifesting. All those times when you’re heading to the shops and all the way there saying to yourself, “and I’ll have a parking spot by the door thanks”, or “I’m getting a park and that’s that!”. Or whatever your version of this is.

Changing my actions towards Manifesting

Now I had a “formula”, what did I have to lose? My thought process was, OK, we are a week out from Christmas and I could really use some more money.

According to the lady in the video, all I have to do is ask. 

So this is exactly how it went…..

I left it there and thought no more of it.

My surprise at how quickly it manifested

Until…. The very next day I received unexpected money in my account. Yep…. About $70 out of nowhere.

So, I asked for more. Same process as before only this time I said could I please have a little more to cover gifts for ___. Once again I left it there. And yet again the following day, to my surprise, I received an email gifting me e-vouchers Totalling $800.

WOW! This really works….

Making sure it works

So me being me, I had to test it out. This time I decided to be more specific in my request.

Once again as above….

Universe, God, creator, source (however you like to refer)
All the angels and Archangels, 
My guides and loved ones past… 
Please bring me $5000 by Christmas.
And I promise to put it to good use. I will... (insert your intention here) 

With much gratitude, love and thanks.

And I left it there. You guessed it, by Christmas morning I had exactly $5000 deposited into my Account.  An unexpected gift from a family member.

BOOM! …. It really was that easy.

Manifesting is controlled by your mindset

Now, I step into this with Great confidence and basically a mindset that this IS going to happen as

 I'm not taking no for an answer. Honestly, I believe that is the key. Decide exactly what it is you desire, ask the universe to deliver it and decide with complete and utter confidence that it’s happening as there IS no other way. Start talking and thinking as though you have already received what you asked for. 

Let the universe know why you desire what you’ve asked for, what you intend to do with it and how it makes you feel. After all, thoughts create energy but it’s the emotion that gets it moving….. Keep in mind, when you manifest you don’t get any say in how or when it’s delivered, that part is up to the universe. You just ask then wait.

Oh….ALWAYS give thanks and much gratitude for all you have already received and all that is yet to be received. GRATITUDE IS KEY.

Why not give it a go?

Gratitude is definitely the key to manifesting

It’s been a long time since I felt so blessed and so utterly grateful, Appreciative and supported.



Bernadette L Waller


Call Your Energy Back


Universal Year 7