Awakening and Ascension

Awakening and Ascension Specialist.

Awakening and ascension may seem similar but they are vastly different. Simply put, awakening is when you tap into your gifts for the first time or embrace all that you are. Whereas, Ascension is the process of healing and growing from within so you can level up to new vibrational frequencies and work with higher beings.

For some people, it is a very simple, pleasant and beautiful experience. While for others, it is full of trials and tribulations. Your experience depends on what is happening in your life presently and what you have been through previously up until you awaken. Stepping into this energy is quite amazing and uplifting. In effect, in order to arise you must first let go. Surrendering the old version of yourself can be a difficult task for many.

This is where I step in, I am here to guide your way and explain what you are experiencing in order to make it easier.

Self-Love is a very important part of your awakening and ascension process. Working on your inner self will make the journey easy. Resist this and you will bring forth more struggles and hardships. In fact, you get to control how this flows for you by how you choose to believe in yourself. Choose wisely.

Why awakening and ascension?

My MISSION and PURPOSE in life is to change the world, one person at a time. Awakening the world to Spirit and their inner gifts will uplift the soul, and then everyone can connect to their true self. My intention is to bring more light into the world. I honestly believe that every person that awakens lights up from within. Therefore, every person they meet from that point on is filled with their light. Let's spread light and unconditional love exactly the same way the flu spreads through your immune system. The more people that wake up to their passion and purpose in life, the better the world will be.

The gifts I am blessed with are to help you reconnect with your soul's purpose and passion; assisting you to awaken to your spiritual gifts and connection to God. The pure voice of your Higher Self is here to guide you towards greatness. Tap into this energy to manifest the world around you and live the life of your dreams. Dreams are unique and exist so that you can preview all that you can achieve. This image of the future is yours alone because you are the only person that can achieve it. It is used as motivation so you will strive for it. Each dream connects to the reason for incarnation here on Earth at this moment. Start running towards them, and see how much better your life and the lives of those around you become.

How do I know this?

A few years ago, I completely surrendered my life to spirit and allowed them to guide me each and every day. My life changed that day and I started living the life I am meant to live. I am truly authentic in my spiritual mission. Working on my self-development, healing and personal growth daily.

The first thing I do every morning when I wake up, is ask God - "How can I be of service?"  This is how I get advice and direction on what to do in service of spirit. The second thing and most important question is "What is this teaching me?" I review all of my reactions through this lens. Life is about learning and growing as when you stop, you start to die. Understand your life lessons to flow into the abundant beautiful life you dream about.

I know that I am in service to God. An awakened being of light ready to uplift humanity and awaken the world to the power of the universe. Humans are here to learn lessons, grow within their souls, heal themselves and uncover the power they have that can make a difference. Every one of us has a journey and mission that we are here to accomplish. The one purpose you chose to incarnate on Earth right now. The reason for your existence.

Life is not meant to be hard

When you are in spirit and fully connected to your soul, you are in a perfect state of knowing. Knowing is not enough, the soul wants to feel and experience things rather than just know. Therefore it chooses to incarnate on earth to experience a number of things by choice. The soul does not incarnate here on Earth to suffer hardship or live a life full of burdens. Consequently, there is no need to make life hard, it is done simply because you forget why you are here.

One of the main purposes the soul incarnates into the human form is to remember greatness. Step into your power and create Heaven on Earth. Everyone has a different vision of what heaven means to them and your purpose is to bring that vibration to the world around us. The more people awaken and ascend, the more impact they have on the world.

Earth is at a turning point, shifting from the Masculine vibration into the Divine Feminine beauty of creation. Tap into kindness, compassion, gratitude, nurturing and caring and you will embolden each other. In effect, rising to the Divine Feminine will help the world become prosperous, abundant and fruitful for all. We live in a truly abundant Universe and there is more than enough for everyone. Currently, the distribution of those resources is imbalanced and Lightworkers are here to shift it back to the way it is meant to be.

Remembering your Greatness

Everything you need is inside of you. Your soul knows it all. Part of human incarnation is forgetting these lessons and the knowledge we are connected to. You are meant to remember but instead, you end up being shaped and moulded by the environment you are born into. Awakening and Ascension are all about bringing universal knowledge into the present and using those skills to manifest peace and unity.

Reconnecting to your higher self for guidance and listening to the Spirit World will show you the way. Ask clearly for what you want in life. Meditate to listen to the whispers of your soul as it steers you towards it. Chase the dream. Tap into your passion. Be the best version of yourself that you know how to be. Work with the energy around you and vibrate so high that you can do nothing but succeed. Show up to be counted. You master the world around you when you do.

What is the difference between awakening and ascension?

Awakening is the process of tapping into your dormant gifts and learning the basics of spiritual practice. It is the action of stepping away from FEAR into LOVE. As you awaken you NEED to learn the following: how to open up and close down again, grounding and protection, the differences between the Clairs and your predominant Clair, as well as how to use them. These are the basic rituals you utilise to maintain your energy and vitality. You will then identify your skills and the tools that you will use, and your guides will step forth to connect. You will require daily practice, as it is key. Intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. You will learn simple ways to have fun with spirit.

Ascension starts with the healing journey. Peel back the layers of your onion to discover the true beauty of your soul. Remove blocks, rewrite beliefs, re-evaluate your values, and set intentions for your life. The more you let go of what holds you back the greater the ability you have to explore the different planes of existence. A process to raise your vibration to communicate on all levels. This is forgiveness at its core. When you let go of what no longer serves you, this will allow you to step into your powerful self, and be truly authentic and congruent with your words and actions.

Ascension is also accelerated when you add new tools and modalities to your tool kit. Some of these include but are not limited to Reiki Healing, Energy Healing, Kinesiology, EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming etc. When you take a deep dive into your self-development and master self-love you will also enhance your ascension process.


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