Protect my House

Have you been living in your house for a long time or are you moving to a new house?

Sometimes you feel like the energy is off in your house and you may want to fix it.

These are some simple ways you can protect your house. 

Using a crystal grid to protect my house

It is always a good idea to grid your house with smoky quartz and clear quartz to create a yin and yang balance.

For those who own your house, put these crystals around the boundary of your house in the yard in a square or rectangle shape.

If you rent your house, place the crystals in the four corners of your house on the inside hidden out of site.

When you have placed your crystals, you can call on Archangel Michael to help you activate them.

Start with writing a list of positive thoughts, emotions and feelings you want to accept in your life.

Then create a matching list of all the negative aspects you want to reject from your life.

With this in mind, ask Archangel Michael to connect your crystal grid with his sword activating your protection.

This will allow you to receive all the good things in your life and stop anything bad.

You can find out a bit more about this in my other blog on mirroring. Subsequently, setting powerful intentions whilst doing this will create the perfect environment for your house. 

Can I remove negative energy and bad vibrations from my house?

Sometimes you feel negative energy in your house, especially when you move into a new one.

Not knowing what went on in the house or land before you moved there can leave lingering unease.

A simple way to clear this energy is to call on Archangel Michael for help.

Ask. him to bring down a Bell-Shaped Jar to position over your house.

Visualise this and all the negative energy being sucked up out of the house and surrounding land.

As it fills up with this energy it will raise about your house taking it away.

Get Archangel Michael to put a lid on the energy and take it away.

This will clear your house and reset it back to new. 

What can I do to create a great high vibration in my house?

Regularly sage your house, once a month or at least at each change of season.

Saging your environment clears away stagnant and stale energy.

Line the front and back doors with a line of salt (Himalayan rock salt or sea salt work best) on the 1st of every month to stop any bad energy from entering your home. This will cleanse all your visitors and family members each time they cross the threshold.

You can also move things around your home, creating Qi. To reset the energy in your house, move 27 items to reset the flow of Qi. This ancient Chinese Feng Shui ritual will bring you peace and harmony. You can shift them from one place to another or just lift and dust under them to get the same results.

In your main living area, use crystals to uplift your vibration. I put together a kit of these three crystals to create a healthy home.

Black Tourmaline removes negative energy and changes it to positive energy.

Selenite cleanses and charges your environment.

Rose Quartz enhances feelings of love and positivity.

Cluster them together near your TV and watch them uplift the vibration in your home. 

Do I need anything else to protect my house?

It is always a good idea to place small pieces of Black Obsidian under your bed to protect you while you sleep.

This will also help you reduce bad dreams for you and the family.

Adding a rose quartz to each room will promote feelings of love and acceptance for all.

A picture or statue of an Angel to look after you and your family brings added peace and protection.

Subsequently, you will want to activate your wealth corner in your house to increase your finances. This is the far left-hand corner from your front door entrance.

Your relationship corner (far right-hand corner from your door) in your bedroom to improve your love life will also help you create a happy home.

Finally, for an added piece of protection, hang a bagua mirror above your front door to keep negative energy outside.    


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