Mirrors - Psychic Protection - Meditation - Programming

Have you ever felt like you are connecting to or receiving too many negative feelings from others? Being an Empath, I used to be so open with my energy, that at the end of the day, I was exhausted. I would practice my usual protection skills with White Lighting myself, grounding myself, connecting to spirit for guidance and more. Thinking I was doing all the right things I never could understand how worn out I would become. That is how I came to find out about mirrors.

There had to be a better way.

My instincts kicked in and I knew that I needed to change or enhance what I was doing to stop feeling this way. So I read some books, tried Google, talked to some spiritual friends and consulted mentors. I learned a few different ways to fix this but connected with mirroring techniques stronger. It was not always easy to get it set up when you are not sure of what you need it for so after a few months of struggling I finally sat down and worked out a better method for myself. While consulting my guides, I came up with this technique and a channelled activation mantra.

What you need to do!

The process is quite detailed but it only really needs to be set once in the full format, that is unless you forget things and require further adjustment. Once it is in place, you can activate it each day with the mantra. You will need a pen and paper to create a very detailed this first.

This list will consist of two columns - 1. What you will Allow. 2. What you will not Allow. The allow list will include all your positive things such as - love, health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, happiness, joy, fun, laughter, manifesting, positivity, high vibrations, etc. The list of things you will not allow may include - hate, envy, fear, poverty, illness, disease, psychic attack, dark magic, bullying, anxiety, depression, etc.

What you will allow and not allow is a personal choice for everyone. These are just some words to give you an idea of what I mean. It is up to you what your specific boundaries are. You will also want a lot more details. You will have anywhere from 20-50 words in each column. They will even reciprocate each other. For every positive a negative and vice versa. Use all the synonyms that work for you but don't forget anything; otherwise, you will have to redo it again.

My best method for creating your protection mirrors.

Once you have your list, you will need to find a quiet place to sit in meditation. However, it works for you is the best way. Just find a quiet place and visualise the following. You start with white light around your body, then encompass it with some pure gold light. The first stage of your protection. I then built a fortress made of metal around me to keep me safe. I have mine made of lead.

Around the outside, I visualise the mirrors. They can be round in shape, oval, rectangle, square or whatever works for you. I have a rectangle box that is sealed with gold and has a golden frame along the edges much like the mirror in Snow White. Why you may ask, it was the first mirror I could personally visualise when asked to see a mirror in my mind's eye. I like gilded gold edges. I then hyper-activate it with some crystals that have meaning to me. Clear Quartz is incredible for this as it is the perfect amplifier.

After the Meditation and Visualisation When you have your mirrors in place, you will open your eyes and set your intention of what you will and will not allow coming through your mirrors. The mirrors are a one-way glass for everything on your allow list and they are reflective and/, or deflective mirrors for everything on your will not allow list. Then, out loud read out what is on either side of your list with positive reinforcement telling your whole being what you expect from it. After this is complete, close your eyes and feel your mirrors and feel how safe you are inside.

Activating with the Mantra

The last stage is to activate them. As I stated earlier once this is in place, you can enable them daily. Each morning when you get up, picture your mirrors and repeat this mantra/prayer.

Why return it?

When I started out, I was told to deflect the energy to the universe for processing and transmuting into love. It worked well on some levels, but depending on how badly someone has intentions of hurting you, it does not work as well. So, during my troubles and much communication with my guides, I came up with returning it to the sender. It works on the principle that if they send it, they receive it. It works the same as throwing a tennis ball at a brick wall - what happens - it comes right back at you. Therefore, you either learn to duck or it hits you in the head. Working on the understanding that they will realise it is not working for them and they will stop doing it.


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