Call your Energy back to yourself every single day to stay in optimum health and well-being. As you go about your business every day and meet and connect with people you attach an energy cord to every person that you meet. For every conversation that you have you give a piece of yourself to someone else. All of these cords and interactions can drain your energy and cause you to feel run down and tired.

How do I maintain my energy?

There are simple ways to maintain and manage your energy. It is very important to cut the energy cords that you have created. You can do this simply by using a selenite crystal to cleanse your body and aura much like energetic soap. Swipe the crystal up and down all around your body just a few centimetres from your body.

Archangel Michael can also help you to sever these cords with his sword. Call on him to come and cut the cords to everyone you met that day and restore your energy to yourself. He will swipe his sword all around you cutting these energetic connections to other people.

You can also your hard hand in a karate chopping motion to swipe down your body in front of your Solar Plexus and belly button area. This will use your own power to cut energetic cords. You can do this when you are out and about throughout the day after you have finished connecting with someone or visiting somewhere.

Why is it important to cut my energy cords?

Leaving your energy cords attached to other people or places means that you become overburdened with their vibration and frequency. You will sometimes lose yourself when you are too connected to others. It is not your job to hold and process energy for other people. In fact, you can't do that, you can only manage and process your own energy. When you are connected to other people's energy for long periods of time it can affect your wellbeing. They drain you dry and suck your vitality. Doing this for long periods of time may end up creating dis-ease in your body,

The way you maintain your energy and deal with your emotions impacts directly on your physical and mental health. When you feel overwhelmed or become run down, first ask yourself if the energy is yours. If so, get in and do the work to process your emotions and deal with them. If not, then cut your cords and ask the universe to take this energy away from you now.

Call your Energy Back

How often do you need to cut your cords and call your energy back to you?

At a minimum, you want to do this nightly before you go to bed. Cut all your cords, call your energy back into your body and centre yourself. Doing this will ensure that you go to sleep and achieve peaceful rest in order to rejuvenate yourself. Although you can do this as often as you like. I personally, cut my energy cords after every session with a client, every visit to friends and family and expeditions outside of the home.

Prayer to call your energy back

"I call all my power back to me now.Cutting all the cords and energy I have shared with others.Clearing and disconnecting from all and anything that may drain me.Shielding my energy from all that does not serve me.I and safe and protected always.I am whole.

And so it is."

Call back your energy prayer

Stand in your power and recite this invocation to call your energy back to you. Visualise cutting all of your cords and connections to others. Centre and ground your energy inside of your body before going to sleep. Rest well and sleep easy.



Intuitive Coaching


Manifesting is Easy