Inspire Knowledge Directory, Magazine and Events

Inspire Knowledge Directory, Magazine & Events

Inspire Knowledge is a brand concept developed and founded by Dr Stephanie Rae Pritchard in late 2023. Dr Stephanie Rae Pritchard is a former Biological Scientist (PhD), qualified Life Coach, Spiritual Medium, Mentor and Healer. Underpinning the Inspire Knowledge brand are three concepts: a website directory, a magazine, and events.

The Inspire Knowledge brand is all about building a healing community that promotes, supports and teaches holistic healing and well-being. The healing community is both online and offline.

The Inspire Knowledge Directory provides healers, psychics, coaches and other wellness practitioners with one platform to promote their services and provide blogs to the website to promote their own knowledge. The directory already is international including people from Australia and overseas.

Spiritual Fair

The Inspire Knowledge Creative & Spiritual Fair is a quarterly event. It is held in Lake Macquarie in the Weller Room, at the Windale-Gateshead Bowling Club. Stallholders have the choice to perform on stage, contribute to the raffle and contribute to the 20 showbags for customers. The fee is $70 per stallholder or $50 per psychic reader. There is a $5 entry fee for customers who can peruse the stalls and enjoy free stage performances. The next Inspire Knowledge Creative & Spiritual Fairs are 4th August 2024 and 6th October 2024 from 11am – 4pm.

If interested in becoming a stallholder, you can fill in the form here: and if you are interested in attending the event you can keep up to date here:  

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Inspire Knowledge Magazine

The Inspire Knowledge Magazine’s first issue is due out July 2024 and will be available both online and offline. This specific issue includes articles and activities related to health, healing and vitality. It will be available in print for $12 and as a PDF for $10. It will be available for purchase at the next two Inspire Knowledge Creative & Spiritual Fair. The second issue will be available in December 2024 with the scope being Strength, Harmony and Wellbeing.

The first issue is available for pre-order for just $8 printed. You can grab it here: 

Contributors include Shaz Cini, Leearne Bury, Hayley Wallace, Dr Stephanie Rae Pritchard, Kimberley Edwards and others.





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