Manifesting Abundance with Cloves

Feng Shui, the Power of Three, and Setting Powerful Intentions

Welcome to a journey of manifesting abundance through the magical spice known as cloves! In this blog, we will explore the ancient wisdom of using cloves to attract financial prosperity and how to strategically place them in your home using Feng Shui principles. We'll delve into the mystical power of the number three and guide you on setting powerful intentions to maximize your manifesting potential. Prepare to be inspired and uplifted as we unlock the secrets to a more abundant life.

The Magic of Cloves

Cloves, with their warm and aromatic fragrance, have been treasured for centuries not just for culinary delights but also for their powerful metaphysical properties. These tiny but mighty spices are known to attract abundance, protect against negative energies, and enhance spiritual growth. Their association with wealth and prosperity makes them an excellent tool for manifesting financial abundance.

Feng Shui and Cloves: Harmonising Your Home

Feng Shui, plays a crucial role in enhancing the flow of energy, or Chi, in your home. By placing cloves in specific areas of your home according to Feng Shui principles, you can invite positive energy and financial prosperity into your life.

The Wealth Corner

According to Feng Shui, the southeast corner of your home (the far left-hand corner from your front door) is known as the Wealth Corner. This area governs your financial energy and prosperity. To harness the power of cloves for manifesting abundance, place a small dish of whole cloves in this corner. To amplify the effect, you can also add other elements associated with wealth, such as a green plant, citrine crystals or a small water fountain.

The Front Door

Your front door is the primary entry point for energy into your home. Place three cloves near your front door or under the doormat to attract abundance. Make sure you set a powerful intention with this simple act. Invite prosperity and positive energy into your living space. Spend some time visualising what you want, and feel the energy of it when you are placing your cloves.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is considered the heart of the home and a symbol of nourishment and abundance. Placing cloves in a small dish on your kitchen counter or in a decorative jar can enhance the energy of abundance. Additionally, cloves can be added to your cooking to infuse your meals with prosperity-enhancing vibrations.

The Power of Three: Amplifying Your Intentions

The number three holds significant spiritual and mystical power in various cultures and traditions. It represents harmony, wisdom, and understanding, making it a potent number for manifesting abundance. By using the power of three in your clove rituals, you can amplify your intentions and attract greater prosperity.

Three Cloves Ritual

To harness the power of three, create a simple ritual using three cloves. Hold the cloves in your hand and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and focus on your intention to manifest abundance. Visualise your financial goals coming to fruition. Then, place the three cloves in strategic locations in your home, such as the Wealth Corner, near the front door, and in the kitchen. This ritual sets a powerful intention to invite prosperity into every aspect of your life.

Setting Powerful Intentions

Intentions are the driving force behind manifestation. When you set a clear and powerful intention, you align your energy with the frequency of what you desire, making it easier to attract into your life. Here’s how to set powerful intentions with cloves for manifesting financial abundance:

Step 1: Clarity

Before setting your intention, take some time to gain clarity on what you truly desire. Be specific about your financial goals. Whether it's a certain amount of money, a new job, or financial freedom, clarity is key.

Step 2: Visualisation

Hold a clove in your hand and close your eyes. Visualise your financial goals as if they have already been achieved. See yourself living a life of abundance, feeling the emotions of joy, security, and freedom. Visualisation helps to create a strong energetic imprint of your desires.

Step 3: Affirmation

Create a positive affirmation that encapsulates your financial goals. For example, "I am financially abundant and prosperous." Repeat this affirmation while holding the clove, infusing it with your intention.

Step 4: Placement

Place the cloves in the Wealth Corner or near the front door. Each time you see or smell the cloves, it will remind you of your intention and reinforce the energy of abundance. Smell is a great tool to reinforce memories or be used as an anchor. So when you place your cloves and you are feeling all the great energies, smell them deeply to sit them in your subconscious mind.

How Cloves Help Manifest Financial Abundance

Cloves possess unique properties that make them powerful tools for manifesting financial abundance. Here’s how they work:

1. Energetic Purification

Cloves have high vibrational energy that helps to purify and cleanse negative vibrations and energies from your space. Place cloves in your home to create a positive and harmonious environment conducive to attracting abundance.

2. Enhancing Focus and Clarity

The aromatic fragrance of cloves can enhance mental clarity and focus. When you are clear and focused on your financial goals, you align your actions and energy with your intentions, making it easier to manifest abundance.

3. Protection

Cloves are known for their protective properties. They shield your energy from negativity and financial setbacks, ensuring your path to prosperity remains clear and unobstructed.

4. Attracting Prosperity

Cloves have been used for many years in various cultures as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Their energy aligns with the frequency of abundance, making them an excellent tool for attracting financial opportunities and success.

Creating a Clove Abundance Ritual

Fully harness the power of cloves for manifesting abundance by creating a dedicated ritual. Here’s a simple yet powerful clove abundance ritual you can perform:

Materials Needed:

  • Whole cloves

  • A small dish or jar

  • A green or gold candle (colours associated with wealth and prosperity)

  • A piece of paper and a pen

  • Clove Essential oil (optional)


  1. Preparation: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Light the green or gold candle to symbolize abundance and prosperity.

  2. Setting the Intention: Write down your financial goals on paper. Be specific and detailed about what you want to achieve. Write them in the present tense showing gratitude for receiving them. eg. I am so grateful now that I have plenty of money in my bank account.

  3. Charging the Cloves: Hold the cloves between your hands and visualise your financial goals. Imagine the cloves absorbing this energy. If you have clove essential oil, you can anoint the cloves with a few drops to enhance their power.

  4. Affirmation: Recite your positive affirmation, such as “I am financially abundant and prosperous,” while holding the cloves.

  5. Placement: Place the charged cloves in the small dish, bag or jar. Position it in the Wealth Corner of your home or another strategic location.

  6. Closing: Sit quietly for a few moments, focusing on the candle and the cloves. Feel gratitude for the abundance that is coming your way. When you’re ready, extinguish the candle.

Maintaining the Energy

After performing your clove abundance ritual, it’s important to maintain the energy of prosperity in your home. Here are some tips to keep the positive vibes flowing:

1. Regular Cleansing

Regularly cleanse your home with sage, palo santo, or other cleansing tools to keep the energy fresh and vibrant. This will help to remove any stagnant or negative energies that could block your abundance.

2. Gratitude

Practice gratitude daily. Acknowledge and appreciate the abundance that you already have in your life. Gratitude raises your vibration and attracts more positive experiences.

3. Mindfulness

Ensure you stay mindful of your thoughts and emotions. Positive thinking and a hopeful mindset are essential for manifesting abundance. Whenever you start thinking negatively, shift your focus to positive affirmations and visualisations.

4. Continued Use of Cloves

Replace the cloves in your home every few months to keep their energy fresh. You can also carry a few cloves in a small bag as a charm for financial success and protection.


Manifesting abundance is a beautiful and empowering journey that combines intention, action, and the magical properties of nature. By using cloves, aligning with Feng Shui principles, harnessing the power of the number three, and setting powerful intentions, you can create a life filled with financial prosperity and joy.

Remember, you deserve all the abundance the universe has to offer. Embrace these practices with an open heart and a positive mindset, and watch as the magic of cloves transforms your financial reality.


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