Send Me An Angel

Send me an angel to watch over me,
May they guide me to where I am meant to be.
With their blessings and guidance, I shall rise above it all,
For I know they will catch me, should I ever fall.

Angels support me in all that I do,
They will support you if you ask them to,
So I am sending an angel over your way,
Please give them permission to stay.

They are here to serve us in any way they can
They will be stronger and bolder than all your other friends
For they are here to serve you if you ask them nicely,
The blessings they bestow are given wisely.

Their strength and encouragement will take you far,
Further than even the brightest star,
Because they know the power you hold within,
All you have to do is let it begin.

Your mission in life is even grander than you realise,
That is why they are here to guide and supervise,
To make sure that you are all you can be,
Cause they want you and everyone else to see.

How great you are and what you can do,
There is so much greatness inside of you,
So rise up and shine and stand in your glory,
Make sure the world knows your unique story.

You are here to leave a mark and presence in this world,
Your gift is inside you if you let it be heard,
Trust your inner guidance for it knows the way,
To your destiny and the role, you are here to play.

For you are definitely here to have an impact in life,
No, it is not all about challenges and strife,
You are here to master your skills and share your talent
So you can create an impact on our beautiful planet.

(Angel Message Channeled Monday 5th August 2024 - Shaz Cini)


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