2023 Yearly Spread

2023 yearly spread and forecast.

Multiple spreads with the Archangel Power Tarot and my Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards. Each month you will see two cards and the intuitive messages I have channelled for them. 2023 is a numerological 7-year. During a 7-year, it is time to focus on your spiritual well-being and soul's purpose. When you are following your soul it is a year filled with success and accomplishments. Going against your soul, you will be plagued with losses in your relationships, work life, finances, health, and material items.Self-development and Spiritual development need to be prioritised this year. When you make them your central focus it is a highly abundant and magical year. 7 is the mystical number and magic happens a lot.

January 2023 - Eight of Raphael and Transform

A month for taking charge of your life and making those changes you are after. Whether they be changes in your health and well-being, diet and exercise, job or work environment or your home and living arrangements.  As you transform your thinking and environment you create an open place for miracles and for receiving.The answer to some prayers. Throughout 2023, it is time to go within for your spiritual answers. Set powerful intentions for what you wish to accomplish with your spiritual growth and self-development. Make a clear plan of action to take, stick to it religiously and you will see fantastic results. Using all the elements of the new year and transitioning to the 7-year you will see your outcomes clearly.A fantastic time for spiritual awakening or ascension as you will see the biggest transformations in this area. Plan your pathway in this area, and start any new courses or programs as you will master them easily. Since the 7-year is all about spiritual development and focusing on the soul and its purpose in life, always look through your spiritual lens. By doing the best for your soul you find great abundance. So set yourself up for success this year by doing all you can in January.

February 2023 - Seven of Raphael and Success

A number of important decisions will come up this month. Focus on your inner guide and do what your soul tells you. Make these decisions yourself without outside guidance. Go deep within as you know the right way, The success is all within you. Take charge and lead the way.Make sure you celebrate each of your successes. It is these moments where we build momentum for more. Remember not all projects will reach their conclusion at this time but it is the decisions you make right now that will lead to this success. So make sure you start the projects now and put the first step into place. Clear, concise instructions to everyone involved in these projects are paramount.A great time to make investments as well. Whether they are time or money, commit to them during February and you will see a successful outcome before the end of the year. Some will be long-term projects and others short-term. You are going to see a growth result either way.

March 2023 - Queen of Raphael and Vision

A time to follow your heart rather than your head. Single people may find themselves out and about meeting new people. New relationships will start this month, with people you may not logically think are suitable, but your heart is leading the way. The heart knows the way and some great long-term relationships will be initiated in March. Remember opposites attract for a reasonYour dreams are going to communicate with you throughout this month. It is a great time to start a dream journal if you don't have one. Your dreams will be telling stories and you will need to gather the information together to complete the message. It will not be single dreams, but many over a few nights instead. Loved ones will also come to visit you in the dream space.You may have trouble with your eyesight during March. A great time for your annual check-up and make sure you don't put things off and attend appointments. Be wary of things getting into your eye or accidentally poking yourself in the eye.

April 2023 - New Beginnings and Wellness

The start of the Astrological New Year - we are in Aries in April so there are plenty of opportunities for new beginnings. Starting a new exercise program or wellness routine will work well this month. Changing things up or going about things differently will bring about better results. Group programs will work out well, so gather some friends or family members and do it together.If you have been thinking about or planning on starting your new wellness business. It is time to put that plan into action. Those business ideas are ready to take off. It is also a great time to launch any group programs or release new services.Thinking of changing your career or going for a new job in any sort of health or well-being business? Go for it. It is a great time to make the change and chances of success are so much higher.

May 2023 - Three of Raphael and Child

Some great celebrations for your children are set to happen in May. There will be many different reasons to celebrate so make the most of them. Uplift your children and congratulate them on a job well done. Shifting their mindset and praising them will get better results than yelling at them or telling them what to do.For those trying to get pregnant or thinking about children, May is a very fertile time for you. There will also be a lot of births this month. So welcome any new family members with open arms. A lot of these children will be spiritually aware and connected. They will be highly protected and full of energy.Listen to the children as they are seeing and hearing more than we are at this moment. Pay attention when they are talking as they will give you guidance and direction when you need it. A lot of prophecies will come through the children as well.Globally there will be things bought out into the light regarding children. Changes in some practices in the education system will also be highlighted. A new child prodigy will be in the spotlight so watch out for a new talent to hit the scene.

June 2023 - Knight of Raphael and Creativity

Thinking of proposing to your significant other?  During June, you are going to see and hear of a number of engagements. There will be some very creative proposals that may make the headlines. Keep an eye out for a celebrity engagement as well.Single people may end up swept off their feet during June. A great time for starting new relationships with a creative outlook. A very artistic flair will be shown on some exciting dates that are outside of the square. Take up any opportunity to do things that involve a bit of adventure as you never know what may happen.Additionally, it is time to tap into your creative energy as new ideas and projects rise to the surface. If you have been considering a new creative endeavour, taking an art class, or learning a new skill. Start this month. You will find the right teacher you are looking for and meet some great people along the way.

July 2023 - Peace and Balance

Release things that are no longer needed this month and let go of the past. To bring balance back into your life you may want to review past events from a different perspective. You have grown so much more than you realise and it is time to let go of what is holding you back. There is so much available for you when you let these old patterns go.Relationships will be taking a front seat this month. Are things working out well for you? Are you stuck in a rut? Changes will have to be made or you may find relationships that are no longer supporting you will have to end. Take some effort to put the romance back in your relationships or you risk further communication breakdowns.Your hormones may play a factor this month. You may need to balance them either with diet or medication. Find out what is going on. You may need a blood test for answers. If you are not getting all the answers you need or feel satisfied with, consider other methods. Find a naturopath or other natural healer. Get alternative blood analysis tests.

August 2023 - Nine of Gabriel and Lovers

Partnerships and relationships are a big focus this month. There are big plans that you are moving forward with. Stay determined together and make big strides in your life. Projects that involve both of you have greater success so combine your resources to see the best results.Environmental factors will be highlighted this month. There will be a big earthquake or eruption in the world that will make headlines. There will be mass casualties and a big push for humanitarian relief. It will lead to a big discovery that has been hidden in the region and there will be a huge fallout from the event.

September 2023 - The High Priestess and Meditation

Meditation will bring forth many insights for you. Setting a good meditative practice will bring forth the answers and insights that you are seeking. Your female spirit guides will be playing a big role in your life right now. You may even connect with a new spirit guide.Use your meditation practice to visualise your future and set goals for your manifesting desires this month. September is the end of the 7-year vibration as we shift into the 8-year vibration from October. An 8-year is full of power and abundance so you will notice big shifts in power this month.

October 2023 - Strength and Feminine

A strong feminine influence will be impacting the world. There will be a new female leader who will step forth during this time. As we shift further into the frequency and vibration of the divine feminine. Women are rising up and more female leaders will be in the news.Ladies if you are looking for a promotion or to rise in the ranks of your job, now is a great time to share your strengths with those around you. Taking a stronger leadership role will lead to more success. Step forth and present your ideas now as they are more than willing to listen.Compassion and kindness will lead the way right now. Think with your nurturing heart before you make any major decisions. Listen to the strong women around you. Seek advice from those who have been there before you as they will guide you with grace.

November 2023 - Six of Michael and Cycles

Any struggles you have had lately will be coming to an end. The light at the end of the tunnel will shine through this month and you release old patterns that hold you back. There will be movements and relocations this month as well. So if you are considering moving house or jobs now is the time.Lots of travel around this time as well. So enjoy your vacations and trips overseas. So many great new things to learn along the way. For those with any adventurous spirit, you may organise a bike trip.Be aware of some problems that may arise with the cycles on your dishwashers or washing machines. Make sure you are keeping these machines clear to avoid any unnecessary breakdowns.

December 2023 - Queen of Ariel and Intuition

Your intuition will be spot-on this month. Pay close attention to these instincts and follow your gut always. A lot of practical and wise advice will come through - either to be given or received. Follow it wisely.As the year comes to a close, take care of yourself and focus on nurturing yourself and those around you. Self-care is highly important therefore you will need to take time to rest if you need it. Do things for yourself. Get that massage, or go for a spa. You deserve it after all you have accomplished this year.Ask for things that will take care of you for Christmas. Work out ways to nurture and spoil yourself over the festive season. Be careful of overindulgence and overeating as you don't want to be punishing yourself for it later.

An overview of the year - Perspective and Pray

Always be aware of the different perspectives in life. Don't look at things the same way. Move around and look at things from the other person's point of view. There is not only one way to achieve things there are many. So stop worrying about the HOW and just allow the universe to deliver it is own way.Find your centre, make sure you are grounded and then ask for exactly what you need and be very clear about your desires. Manifesting is a big key to this year and the foundations you are building now will make receiving them in 2024 so much easier. The 7-year is very magical and highly abundant. This year you want to ask for what you want as some manifestations may take longer than you think. The following year is an 8-year which is full of abundance and prosperity and extremely powerful. Keep the faith and stay in your high vibration this year. Some of your manifestations may not be delivered until next year. Therefore, setting your intentions and having a solid foundation will make them all the more worthwhile. They will be delivered by the universe and the angels within their timeframe rather than your own.For those who would like to study mediumship, this is a fantastic year to find your new teacher and mentor. Archangel Sandalphon assists mediums with their communication what lost loved ones. He is here to show you different perspectives on how to connect and make these readings work for you. Mediumship is changing and evolving as new ways of communicating come forth. Ask him for assistance and to guide you to the right circles to learn from. 



Awakening and Ascension


Archangel Jophiel