Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel the angel of wisdom is referred to as the wise old sage. Work with him to access universal energies, travel through the different planes of existence, collapse time, and tap into your past and future lives. The guardian of the Akashic Record, he helps heal elements of your past or future lives. A truth seeker Archangel Uriel guides you to hidden truths and helps uncover mysteries that exist in the world leading you to discover the real facts.

Connected to divine masculine energy, Archangel Uriel helps men with any problems and uplifts their mental health. Supporting the masculine energies of logic and reason, he presents arguments based on facts and will steer you to the right outcome. Tap into this brilliant resource when reviewing analytical data or to find the right conclusion to your sticky situation.

Archangel Uriel is also considered to be the weatherman. Call on him to provide the specific weather you want for your special events or occasions. He is happy and willing to help you.

Feeling lost or unsure where to go? Ask Archangel Uriel for direction and he will show you the fastest pathway to your destination. Guiding and protecting travelers, sailors, and adventurers, he can even give you directions when you don't have a map. In any case, trust me, he will make sure you get there even if you have no idea where it is or have never been there before.


My first experience with Archangel Uriel

Before I even started my business in 2010, not long after I lost my twins, I started to research crystal and spiritual shops. Visiting all the different crystal shops in and around the Sydney region, Finding a small shop tucked out of the way in Richmond, I met a beautiful lady who was full of wisdom. (In the lead-up to this visit, I had been dreaming about owls and never followed up on why.) After a few moments of chat, she advised me that I had an owl with me. I asked her what sort as I could sense it and couldn't identify what type it was.

The owl was a barn owl. Describing the Angel I saw with this owl as very wise to me, she informed me that it sounded like Archangel Uriel. Subsequently, I researched the meaning of the Barn Owl, it hit home to me on so many levels. It was my guide leading me to this pathway to open my own shop and spiritual business. It took 2 years before I took the leap and did it.

A few years into my business, I had a spirit guide drawing done by Lee-anne Peters, and I asked for a drawing of the guide associated with my shop. Despite the order being placed with only being told my initials, she drew my barn owl. Having previously met I didn't want her to know it was for me and I asked spirit to guide her way. Afterward, I called her to thank her for it. We laughed together as she told me she had been thinking about me during that week and was going to reach out for a chat. I have included my barn owl in the attached image.

How does Archangel Uriel communicate?

Working with Claircognizance or Clear Knowing, via your crown chakra and upper chakras, he brings wisdom to any situation you need. Use a journal to communicate with him by asking direct questions. Before you can even finish asking your question, you will know or hear the answer.

He can guide you to books or paperwork to find the answers you need. I have experienced books falling off shelves in front of me that hold the answers I am after. Additionally, he may use random strangers to direct you to a much-needed book of guidance or recommend you read something. Archangel Uriel's aura is silver or grey. Symbols, signs, and messages in these colours can be placed in front of you when you need them.

One of the reasons I love him is that he is extremely straightforward and sometimes blunt in getting his message across. Naturally, there is no time wasted in flowery prose he is always clear, concise, and direct. Authentic communication works best so he will put in the best language you will understand and follow. Represented by the owl, he can use this to direct you to where you need to go. Different owls have different meanings and depending on what type shows up can impact the message he is sending you.

What does Archangel Uriel look and feel like?

Silver and grey surround Archangel Uriel. Looking much like the Ascended Master Merlin the Magician or as the younger generation knows Gandolf. Although, his hair is more grey than white and his beard is not as long. His appearance is very similar to these characters. Often depicted with a book or scroll in his hands, representing the book of life and the scroll of the 10 commandments. Symbolically, he is much like the owl and the wisdom they bring.

He communicates through the crown and higher crown chakras. You may feel tingling on the top of your head when he wants to work with you. Sit quietly and just feel. A sense of knowing comes over you. You can access information that you have never learned or read about on many different subjects. Knowing that you have never read or learned about these topics you will still know the answers you need. When you tap into this knowledge, you may still be left with a feeling of confusion and ask how did I know that? This is usually followed by a feeling of confidence and a strong desire to do something. You will know the exact direction you need to take or where to locate the resources you need to find the answers you seek.

My experiences with Archangel Uriel

I was heading to a market event when Archangel Uriel told me he would be working with me today. After my previous experiences, I was excited to see what transpired. During these events, I often do mini-readings with my Develop Your Intuition Oracle deck. One of the girls I met at the previous event wanted to draw a card for that day. She drew out the Wisdom card - Archangel Uriel.

Archangel Uriel shared this wisdom. Everything you need is inside of you. Use your power and abilities to tap into universal knowledge for the answers you seek. Before getting guidance from other people, always check in with yourself first. Tune in and see what answers you come up with. You are the only person to make life decisions and choices. Whether you do that via intuition and gut instinct, or logic and reason it is up to you. But YOU need to make those decisions not allow other people to make them for you. If you struggle to trust these decisions you are making, tap into your higher self and internal body pendulum.

Surprisingly, a lot of male customers came through the stand that day. They imparted their wisdom and I was taught a few things I wasn't previously aware of. Archangels will often use other people to share their wisdom and insights with everyone.

Symbolic reminders of him

Throughout the day, I was presented with many owls as a representation of him. The owl is a symbol I have personally associated with Archangel Uriel for many years. Some clients had tattoos of owls on them, another wore a T-shirt with an owl, and I saw three images of owls. I also went to a 2nd market event that day and a new stall holder had cups with owls on them, owl figurines, and a customer asked if I had a crystal owl. Consequently, you may see that as a coincidence, but I don't believe in them. To me, these were synchronicities to show that Archangel Uriel was with me that day.

I saw so many Silver cars, grey or silver shirts, or others with silver writing on them, silver jewelry, and silver or grey items that garnered my attention. Over many conversations with other people, I was asked many different random questions. Yet each time, I knew the answers quickly and remembered the data easily.

A great opportunity was presented to me that day and I was steered toward the right place to take it up. In fact, previous attempts to get on board with this opportunity were to no avail.  Today doors magically opened because someone else gave me different advice on what to do and that worked.

People I hadn't connected with or seen in a long time were present that day. Archangel Uriel will bring people from your past for you to heal or find closure with when you are ready or they are ready. Talking with some friends later that night they also had random connections with people from their past that day.

Confirmation of my own inner wisdom

Finally, throughout the day I had a number of unsolicited conversations about past lives and how they can impact you now. Citing examples of my own past lives I was able to consciously become aware of the deep healing I have experienced in regard to them over the past year. Things like this happen when you ask to see if what you have done or are doing is working. Earlier in the week, during my healing session, I told my facilitator I am ready to see these results. Because I asked, Archangel Uriel directed an opportunity my way to show me exactly what I needed to know.

Crystals to work with Archangel Uriel

Clear Quartz - The master healer and amplifier will open your crown chakra for deeper wisdom. Record keeper crystals can help you enhance your connection to universal wisdom and unlock hidden secrets along the way

Petalite - Promotes clear thinking and clarity, helping you to keep your perspective in reality. Creating a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Helps with balancing your mental consciousness.

Petrified Wood - facilitates past life regression and healing.

Amber - enhances intelligence and cleanses negative energy and emotions from the body. Helps you clear depression and bring confidence into any given situation.



Archangel Jophiel


Archangel Gabriel