Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty. She creates all the sunrises and sunsets, the details in the plants and flowers, and the different colours in the universe. The magic in nature is part of her world with all the intricacies it involves. When you need attention to detail for all of the fine points in your work she will support you to see what you need. She can harness your reflexes and fine-tune your motor skills when you need them the most.

You can discover more about her by looking deep within objects or below the surface of things in plain sight. Spiritually she assists with scrying in all formats, she will put symbols and pictures in items for you to see. She will message and communicate with you through patterns. Putting these messages together can form a jigsaw but when all the pieces come together the picture is very clear.

Call on her to assist with the development of your clairvoyance skills and to see things clearly. She will bring things to the awareness of your natural sight. So when you start to see things repetitively know that she is communicating with you. She will use this to gather your attention so she can deliver deeper messages. When you start to see these patterns, write them down, and meditate for more clarification.

My first experience with Archangel Jophiel

I started to see faces and images in the patterns on the carpet and on painted walls. At first, I wasn't sure what I was seeing, and then when I described what I was seeing to my friend her aura lit up in hot pink. Watching this around her, I watched it morph and change into different images and patterns on the wall behind her. So, I asked what it meant and I saw Jophiel appear as she told me to stop trying to force my clairvoyance.

Throughout my childhood, I was able to see spirits much like humans and could barely tell the difference. I would experience colourful meditations and feel like I was flying all over the world. Losing this as I grew up I felt like a failure as I couldn't see the way I used to. Archangel Jophiel taught me that clairvoyance didn't have to only be that way. It could show up in many different ways. She helped me to expand my awareness and realise that clairvoyance was not just what we see when we close our eyes, but the things our natural eyesight is drawn to out of everything else.

How does she Communicate with you?

Archangel Jophiel primarily communicates through the fine details in things. She will bring your awareness to patterns and images in everyday items. Scrying is her favourite form of communication. Seeing patterns or images in everything. So pay attention to the clouds and the forms in trees. The shapes you can see in an animal's fur coat or a bird's fascinating feathered plume. These are all different ways she communicates with us.

Clairvoyance skills can morph and change. Paying attention to patterns and images that appear in unusual places will help you communicate with her. Scrying is a form of clairvoyance and noticing hidden images in things can also be used by your higher self and spirit guides to communicate with you. Follow up on the meaning of the symbols and images to find out what you need to understand. Archangel Jophiel will draw your attention to them when you need them and not always be the one sending them.

When working with documents and contracts she may highlight portions for you that need reviewing or adjustment. She will also help you focus your eyesight on projects, sports, or activities that require precision. If searching for something and you can't find it she can put a spotlight where you need to focus your attention. So anytime something looks brighter or clearer than the things around it, pay attention as she may just be pointing you in the right direction.

What does Archangel Jophiel look and feel like

Her aura is Fuschia or bright pink. She has a very warm energy and feels like you are sitting in the middle of a spotlight. You often see her in the sunrises and sunsets she creates. She shows up as small Fuschia orbs in pictures and videos.

Noticing beautiful things like hot pink flowers and deep pink clothing is a sure sign she is nearby. Bringing your attention by wearing bright pink colours that stand out in a crowd. There is a lot of smiling and your heart feels so open and happy when she is nearby. You know she is around when you start giving and receiving a lot of compliments.

My experience with Archangel Jophiel

The day she came to spend with me I was heading to another market and I woke up before my alarm went off. I was told to come and watch the sunrise. Now, I am not a morning person so my grouchy response was "why would I want to watch the sunrise?" She replied, "because I asked you to and I will be sharing with you today."

So getting up and leaving the house before 5 am I started to watch the light come into the sky. The morning was brightening as I drove along and the clouds were white and light grey. I was feeling really calm but still slightly sleepy as I looked around and as I got closer to my destination the sun started to rise on the horizon. Colour started to fill the sky and the orb of the bright orange glow of the sun lit up the sky. I was reminded of the old-fashioned saying "Pink sky at night, shepherd's delight, Pink sky at dawn, shepherds be warned."

Since I could see some pink and orange I asked are we in for some rain. She replied to me, "No, I just wanted to highlight the difference between pre-dawn and dawn or sunrise." The sky was getting lighter 30 minutes before the sunrise and as the darkness faded you could see more and more but the true meaning of dawn was when the sun rose over the horizon. Not being near the ocean it was harder to notice the impact of the sun itself. It also reminded me of the sunrise I got up to see over the ocean in April last year. There is a huge difference between the darkness of a winter type of morning to the lightness of a summer morning.

Symbolic reminders of Archangel Jophiel

Since I was early for the set up of the market I was able to sit for a while and truly appreciate the sunrise. I meditated for a few minutes and felt the comfort and warmth she brings with her. My heart felt full and I was filled with joy. A lot of anticipation built up inside of me for the day ahead and I was ready to go. Setting up the tables she reminded me that my business colours and tablecloths were a good reminder of her. Pink in many shades is her colour and the more vibrant the better.

After setting up and getting ready, I was shuffling my cards to hand out when one of the other stall holders popped over to say hi. So I asked her to draw out a card. She drew the Beauty card, which is Archangel Jophiel. I just smiled and laughed and was not surprised at all as she was showing me her presence again. A few minutes later another stall holder came over and gave me a bright pink bow. She said she just felt I needed it.

Throughout the day, I saw some beautiful hot pink shirts, some gorgeous flowers, and more patterns in the crystals I was selling and paid a few compliments for different things. They may seem small in the scheme of symbolic gestures but some of the archangels are quite subtle. So many different synchronicities showed up around her I knew she was with me all day.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

We all see beauty in different things and it can show up in so many different ways. I was drawn to the products people were selling, the patterns in clouds and crystals, and the colour combinations of some artworks along with songs with the word beautiful in them. You don't realise how many different songs there are with the word until it is brought to your attention over and over. Listening to conversations where someone sees something as beautiful and someone else doesn't always make me smile.

As the day drew to a close and I was driving home again, she was with me during the most glorious sunset. Deep pinks, purples, reds and oranges filled the sky making it look like a glorious kaleidoscope. On Christmas night on the way home, I was reminded I had to write this blog as she showed me another glorious sunset. The darkening sky with the pinks lining the western horizon looked like bright lights in the distance. At first, it reminded me of the bushfires and the way the sky can glow with it but it was just the sun setting in all of its glory.

Crystals to work with Archangel Jophiel

Pink Agate - Fairy wish stone, that fills your heart with love and joy and highlights the sparkly things in your life.

Ametrine - helping you connect to your spirituality and creativity at the same time.

Black Tourmaline - shifting negative vibrations into positive vibrations allowing you to shift your mindset and see more beauty around you

Smoky Quartz - grounding you releasing unwanted negativity to shift into a higher vibrational space.

Angelite - assisting your clairvoyance to see clearly and express your desires in a calm concise manner.

Rose Quartz - focuses on self-love, self-esteem and inner beauty.



2023 Yearly Spread


Archangel Uriel