Archangels - Who are they? And How they help you?

I love connecting and learning with the Archangels. There are 15 main Archangels that I have read about, learned about from mentors and friends and had personal experiences with for myself. I am describing here my experiences and interaction with them. It is just a small guide to some of the ways they can assist you, and there is many, many more. They are not in any order, they are just as they appeared as I was writing this article.

Archangel Michael

Usually, the first one people talk about as he is the most commonly called forth. The ultimate protector Michael stands at the right hand of God. Represented with his sword and shield, we call on him to protect us when we feel unsafe. Activate him when we are driving in our cars, when we want strength in uncertain times and when we are looking for a boost in courage. You know he is around as you start to feel his heat. He is a brilliant Electric Blue, and he helps us find our voice. Archangel Michael is fantastic to call on when you are struggling with electrical items and helps us get them working again.

I use him as one of my go-to guys for standing in the corners of my room during all my healing sessions.  My crystal connection is Snowflake Obsidian and useful for our protection in our dreams as well as daily life.

Archangel Metatron

One of the two only Archangels to walk this earth before his ascension. He works with children, especially those on the Autism spectrum and is a great communicator and educator for all kids. For me, he is pure white and shines so bright he takes your breath away. The kids all love his energy as he is fun and spirited and gives them creative inspiration. My crystal connection is White Howlite as it helps calm the overactive mind and brings kids back to centre. It allows them to be present in the moment and reduces feelings of overwhelm.

Archangel Ariel

Ariel is the Archangel of Unconditional Love and protector of all the animals. She represents as feminine energy for me. A gorgeous pink aura and you feel a slight breeze when around. She gives you all those feelings that radiate real love, self-confidence and strength. When working to build up your self-esteem and confidence we call on Ariel to assist us. Ariel’s crystal is Rose Quartz for unconditional love.

Archangel Raphael

Another favourite Archangel we all recognise his symbol as the universal sign for healthcare. He is green and helps us with our health issues good and bad. The angel we call for help with our healing energy, and he visits us all in the hospital when we are ill. He is excellent at setting healthy eating and exercise goals. Always around to improve our well-being. Call on Raphael when travelling and for all protection in your car. He works with Jade and all crystals associated with your Heart Chakra.


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Archangel Azrael

The angel of death, transition and comfort. Yes, he is around when we are in the late stages of dying and helps us cross the rainbow bridge. He is there to assist the bereavement process and those suffering grief. Providing comfort and support as we go through harsh transitions in our lives. He is a cream colour, and I associate Unakite or Calcite with him. Personally, he reminds me a lot of Andrew from Touched by an Angel; he shows up in the same type of Cream Suit.

Archangel Chamuel

Works with connecting us to Soulmates and helping us find lost items. Reminds me a lot of St Anthony when we misplace our keys and so forth. A combination of purple and green he works well with Rainbow Fluorite. We call on him to heal our relationships or help locate our partners bringing them into our lives. When you are looking for your Soulmate or the perfect partner, Archangel Chameul inspires you to connect to their energy. Connect with him when you are writing out your list of what you want in your partner.

Archangel Raziel

I call him the alchemist as he works with lotions and potions and holds the secrets to the universe. He is a magician and works with our crystals and connects to all things magic. Mixing the right combinations can create greater cures for our diseases if only we would call on him often enough. A combination of all the colours of the rainbow he is bright and sparkly. He works with Quartz crystal as the record keeper of the hidden realms.

Archangel Jeremiel

Jeremiel inspires us with all our dreams and visions. Works well with our dream catchers, you can call on his energy when activating your new dream catcher.  He helps open our third eye and connects us to all the dreams we have each night. An eggplant purple he enables our spiritual insight using Amethyst to open up the third eye.

Archangel Sandalphon

Twin brother to Metatron when he walked on the earth. Sandalphon takes our prayers from earth to our loved ones in heaven. You know he is around as he delivers feathers as a symbol to show our loved ones are close. He is the messenger to help us get in contact with our deceased loved ones. Sandalphon may also help us choose the sex of our babies when we are trying to conceive. Working with turquoise, he helps keep road rage under control and surrounds us with peace, calm and tranquillity.

Archangel Raguel

You may recognise him as the man with the scales outside most of our courthouses as he is the angel of fairness and Justice. He is known to help the underdog get ahead. If you are struggling to get a fair and equal chance you call on Raguel. He is a lovely green and works with Aquamarine. Energetically, he is all about balance and keeping things balanced for all.

Archangel Haniel

Beautiful feminine energy, Haniel is all about the connection to moon and cycles of life. She connects to the tides and rhythms of life. The perfect lady to call upon when you are planning your garden or planting. A cerulean blue she is all about poise, grace and elegance. She works with Moonstone, bringing sensitivity into our lives.

Archangel Zadkiel

The teaching Angel, he helps us with our learning and memory. Shows up as sparkles all around the place and looks like Lapis Lazuli. The best angel to invoke when you are studying as he helps you stay focused. Great for students of all kinds especially around times of exams. You see lots of sparkles or glitter around when students are sitting for the end-of-year exams.

Archangel Jophiel

The angel of creation. She is all about the beauty in life. Jophiel is responsible for all the sunrises and sunsets. Creating all the fine details in life, the petals of the flowers, the colours in nature and all the minute details in life we sometimes take for granted. A gorgeous hot pink or magenta. Using Pink agate to bring forth all the fairies and elementals to help the plants and nature grow. She is also a great de-clutterer and works with the energy of Feng Shui. Call on her if you are struggling to release material possessions. Allow her to help you place your furniture and items to create the best flow of Qi.

Archangel Gabriel

Messenger of God she was the angel we all hear came to earth to tell of Jesus’ arrival. The fertility specialist and helps women have babies and creates all the seeds of inspiration you need when activating new ideas. The angel of creativity and writing. She is all things inspiration. A golden yellow and you often see her arrive with her trumpet.   She works with Citrine and brings music with her. The ultimate muse. She inspires us to write, books, music and lyrics, blogs, journals and more.

Archangel Uriel

The men’s angel. He connects strongly with men’s issues and helps men gain a better understanding of themselves and others. Also known as the weatherman, we ask him to provide the perfect weather for all those special occasions. Referred to as the old sage, he works with Smoky Quartz and brings a lot of wisdom with him. He is also a connection to our Akashic Record and helps us unravel the story we have with our past, present and future lives.

How to Call on the Archangels for Assistance

It is a personal thing and no set way to call on them for help. You ask Archangel Michael (for example) I need your help. I do not feel safe in my environment, please protect me. Activate him when you get in the car to guard you along your journey and keep you safe. Archangel Raphael also protects us in the car. You can find lots of different invocation prayers online, but it is your personal preference as to how you call on them. Archangels are very helpful and reply to any call you put out there.


Aura Colours Meanings


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