Let Me Be Your Guide on Earth: Guiding You Towards Awakening, Healing, and Transformation.

Are you finding your Spiritual Awakening lonely and feeling overwhelmed not knowing what to do?

Hi Beautiful Souls,

The Spiritual Awakening can be a very scary time and lonely experience. 

I am here to ease your way and help you open up with ease and grace.

Resistance causes the most pain on your spiritual journey, it is time to surrender and embrace this aspect of yourself so you create the life you are meant to be living.

When you fight against it, the awakening process will take you through the Dark Night of the Soul, but if you allow it to flow in your life and tune in to your Inner Guidance System you will create magic.

It all begins with the stories you tell yourself.

How you feel about yourself influences how other people perceive you.

You have already conquered your past, acknowledging your results and utilising your new superpowers will change the trajectory of your life.

Understanding the lessons you have mastered will raise your vibration and turn you into a magical manifester.

You have a choice.

Step into your Greatness and create the world around you exactly the way you want, or stay stuck where you are blaming others for what is showing up in your life.

My choice started with asking myself 2 simple questions every day.

  1. How can I be of Service?

  2. What is this teaching me?

Seeing the world through these two lenses changes everything.

Firstly, being of service to me basically means what can I do today to better someone else. That can be anything from creating content, smiling, taking action, assisting someone or attuning to spirit to deliver messages to the collective. I ask this question every day before I start anything and then set powerful intentions for the day ahead. Following the guidance from my Inner Guide.

Secondly, we are learning each and every day. Everything happens for us, what is happening today that is making me a better person today than I was yesterday. If nothing comes up as a teaching moment, I purposefully go find something to learn or grow from. This can include reading a book, listening to a podcast, joining a course or more. We are here to learn,m grow and evolve, when we stop - we start to die.

Next, you want to choose a story that empowers you, and then you become magnetic to the results you desire:

  • Bring your ideas and visions to life.

  • Share your gifts, talents and skills.

  • Make the big impact you want in the world.

  • Have a successful business you desire. 

  • Give your kids the good life & be an example and inspiration to them that anything is attainable.

It all starts with YOU and what you choose to say YES to.

If you're ready to start this new chapter in your life, I am here to help you.  

Shaz Cini

I am a Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Speaker, Psychic Medium, Healer and Author.

I have been helping women with their spiritual awakening and ascension for over 10 years now, as I know how lonely and hard it can be without support.

When I went through mine, I didn’t have any idea of how to develop the gifts I have or how to learn more about them.

I stumbled into Spiritual Churches and found some assistance but for the most part, I had to struggle through alone.

I had two conflicting voices inside me and at times I thought I was going crazy, but I was just fighting old patterns and programming that existed inside me.

Through decades of Personal Development and Spiritual Development Classes, I discovered myself and my path in life.

From that moment, I knew I had to help other people through it so they didn’t suffer as many losses as I did.

That is why I started teaching Psychic Development Classes and grew to become a coach and Spiritual Mentor.

I want to help YOU make your Spiritual Awakening easy.

Shaz Cini - an International Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master/
Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, and Author.

I BELIEVE you have a God-given purpose and mission in this world, something that only you can fulfil. Be it big or small, it will always want you to follow it.

It needs you and you need it as it’s your access to creating the thriving life you desire.

This purpose will always gravitate towards you, nudging you - in various ways - to pay attention to it and start following it. When you do - Life Becomes Magical.

You live the life of your dreams and everything falls into place.

You find your heaven on Earth.

"When you do what you love - you never work a day in your life. Passion is NOT work it is JOY!" - Shaz Cini

Are you ready to S.H.I.N.E. by following your purpose and passion and manifesting the life you dream about?

How can I be of Service?

Curious about what the universe has in store for you? Experience the clarity and insight of a psychic reading with Shaz, where hidden truths are revealed, burning questions are answered, and your path forward is illuminated.

Ready to unlock your true potential and manifest the life you've always dreamed of? Discover how Shaz's unique blend of spiritual insight and practical guidance can help you overcome obstacles, tap into your inner wisdom, and step into your power.

Imagine waking up every day feeling aligned, purposeful, and deeply connected to your true self. Don't just dream about the life you want – create it. Step into the radiant, empowered version of you that's ready to change the world.

Hear What Clients Have to Say

I have absolutely no problem in the world highly recommending Shaz for absolutely anything. I have been doing her course for quite some time now, and I have had so many people telling me how much it has changed me for the better. Her coaching, her psychic abilities and all the work that she does is definitely highly recommended. She has 100%, genuinely saved my life in more ways than mine. I cannot speak any more highly of this beautiful lady. Thanks, Shaz for everything.

Rachelle - Ryde - NSW

On the gram