Develop Your Intuition Oracle Card Classes

Weekly online classes learning how to read and understand your Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards.

Weekly classes every Sunday night on Zoom.
Working with the Develop Your Intuition Oracle cards. 

A weekly interactive online class in zoom to help you connect to your oracle cards. In these classes you will learn the following:

Understand the meanings of the Develop Your Intuition Oracle Cards.

  • Connection to the Archangels – who they are, what they do and how to call on them in your daily life.

  • What the different combinations of the cards can mean.

  • Other ways to consider the meanings besides what is on the cards.

  • Different spreads to read with.

  • How to treat and store your cards.

  • Practice readings on each other in breakout rooms – to test your skills

  • Ask any questions regarding intuitive connection and your experiences with the oracle cards and journal.

  • How to tap into your strongest clair

  • Daily routines to build and strengthen your intuition

  • How to build your confidence and connection so you can become a professional reader

  • The best ways to practice your skills by yourself and with others

  • Why keeping records of your progress will help you improve

You will also get to connect with other like-minded women, form a support group, and grow trust in your own intuition and guidance from the Universe. Join the Facebook group Spiritual Awakening with Shaz to find out more.

Investment is $20 per week. You can come and go as you like.
Payments via BSB transfer.  Limited to 20 people.

Email me or join us in the Spiritual Awakening with Shaz group on Facebook