Meditation Classes

Weekly meditation classes in-person - South Penrith.

Weekly classes every Tuesday in South Penrith.

Channelled meditation classes for adults and children:

3 classes every Tuesday - Adults - 10.30 am and 7.30 pm - Children 6-16 years - 4.30 pm.

  • Meditation classes are tailored specifically to the class.

  • Each session is channelled and recorded for the group.

  • Unique sessions based around chakras, spirit guides, totem animals, healing and more.

  • Adult classes are 60 minutes with 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted meditation and time to journal and discuss your meditation.

  • Kids Classes are 45 long with 20 minutes of meditation and time to discuss and journal the meditations.

  • Meditations include drumming, sound bowls, bells, chimes, tuning forks and other sound healing tools.

You will also get to connect with other like-minded women, form a support group, and grow trust in your own intuition and guidance from the Universe. Join the Facebook group Spiritual Awakening with Shaz to find out more.

Classes are $25 for Adults and $15 for children.
Limited to 10 people per class.

Email me or join us in the Spiritual Awakening with Shaz group on Facebook