Intuitive Connection Classes

An 8-week journey of connection to the different intuitive gifts we have

Intuitive Connection Classes – 8 weeks online in Zoom

The next round of Classes starts Monday 31st July from 7-9 pm Sydney Time.

An 8-week journey of practical activities to utilise the different intuitive gifts we have.

In this course you will learn and do the following:

Basic Spiritual Practices.

  • Grounding and protection practices – The best way to ground your energy and create a protective bubble for yourself. A mirroring technique to protect your energy from unwanted emotions, feelings, and energies.

  • Discover your Clair or strongest sense. Understand the different Clairs and how they show up for you so you can find out the way you receive your energy. Find out if you see, feel, hear or know your intuitive connection.

  • Opening and closing your energy. Creating an on-and-off switch so you are not bombarded with energy 24/7. A ritual and prayer to open your connection with your spirit guides and the universe.


  • Connect to your Totem Animal – You will be walked through a guided meditation to connect to your totem animal. This will show you how to regularly connect to your animal spirit guides to see what messages they want to bring you.

  • Get to know your spirit guides – You will be walked through a meditation to connect to one of your main spirit guides. You will create a place where you can sit and have a conversation with them to get as much information as they are willing to share with you. You will find out who they are, how they feel to you, how they communicate, and what they want to work with you for.

  • Find your unique symbol – A meditation to connect with a symbol from your guides as your answer to your questions. This symbol can show you if you are on the right path, answer some questions if it is the right thing for you too, help you manifest your dreams, as well as be a guide to the big questions or purchases in your life.

  • Connect to loved ones in heaven – Another guided meditation to take you to the heavenly plane to talk to a loved one. This meditation will guide you to a bench in heaven to invite one of your lost family or friends to come and visit you for a chat.

Psychic Development Exercises

  • Psychometry – the practice of reading from objects. You will all bring along a personal piece of jewellery and practice reading on each other.

  • Mystery Boxes – The name of a famous person who is deceased will be written on a piece of paper and you will get multiple opportunities to connect to the energy to see what information you can get from the person who is written on it. It is a fun activity that surprises many with the oblique connections that you can make with the deceased.

  • Reading oracle or tarot cards – You will get opportunities to practice your reading skills and expand your connection to your cards of choice. You also get to ask any questions and share your weekly practice with others. You will also do daily card pulls for yourself as homework to connect with your cards.

  • Aura Drawings – You will learn how to tune in and see each other’s aura and draw what you see, sense, feel or know.

Other Fun Activities

  • Mindset and Mindfulness Tips and Techniques. You will learn how to shift your thoughts and feelings from low vibration to high vibration as well as practice being present in the given moment.

  • Journaling techniques for intention setting and releasing unwanted emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Daily practices help you shift your vibration so you can create a deeper connection to your intuition.

  • Manifestation tips and techniques to help you manifest your dreams and desires and raise your vibration to make them happen faster.

  • Simple energy healing techniques to feel the energy field of the people around you so you can discern when spirit is close by.

  • Calling on and connecting with the Archangels to find out who they are and how they can help you most effectively. There are different Archangels for each Clair and you will be shown how they show up around you activating your intuition.

Connect with other like-minded women, form a support group, and grow trust in your own intuition and guidance from the Universe. A private Facebook group is also provided for you to connect together and share your experiences and ask questions as they arise.

Let’s schedule a 15min Free call to see if this course is right for you, or to secure your spot

Investment – Paid upfront – $444.

Payments via PayPal, BSB transfer, or Credit Card. Limited spaces are available.