Psychic Development – There is no right or wrong way

When it comes to your own Psychic Development there is no right or wrong way. Everyone is unique, and their gift is different. There are many methods you can use but, your way is the most important way. There are many teachers that can help you along your path, remember they cannot tell you the only way to learn. You will learn the way you need to. Trust in your own instincts. Learn the ways that are taught to you and try them out for yourself. You are going to find one way that works better for you than the others. This is then going to be your easiest way of learning.A lot of people tell you that you must meditate to grow your connection. It is important in a lot of aspects but, do not allow yourself to withdraw from your gifts because you are not doing it the same way the others are doing it.Find out what works for you.

Different types of psychic gifts

  • Are you able to see and talk to crossed-over loved ones? - Medium

  • Can you feel the energy of others? – Clairsentience and Empathic

  • Do you have the gift of prophecy and see future events? - Prophetic

  • If just know things that others don’t and that you never really learned? – Claircognizance

  • Do you hear messages and be able to pass them on? Clairaudience

  • Can you see spirits, auras, animals, symbols and more? – Clairvoyance

  • Are you a gifted healer and able to help people move their problems? Healer

It is possible to have a combination of a lot of psychic abilities so please, do not pigeon-hole yourself into one type of activity. You can have lots of modalities that you can learn and grow.

Follow your own Natural Guidance

Feel the call deep inside of you and this will show you exactly what you need to do to progress. So, if you feel the need to pick up a pen and write you may be channelling messages from spirit.  If you can see auras and energy you may want to draw what you see to show others. If you are artistic allow that energy to flow through for you.

Just do it your way – there are no right or wrong answers. Only instincts and we harness each of our own to the best of our ability in the way that is right for us.

One of the greatest lessons I learned along the way is to check in with yourself, if it feels right for you then take it on board and if it doesn’t, then it is not your truth and that is ok. We all have free will to accept or decline any teaching or messages sent to us. Is that right for you?


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