Negative Programming

Do you think you have negative programming? Do you know how to step out of it?

Step 1 – recognise it for what it is.

Negative programming is where you are taught by your parents, TV, peers, communities and books to think in a certain way. This programming stops you from achieving higher goals for yourself and moving forward in your life to your greatest potential.

It is the negative voice in your head that tells you that you CAN’T or that you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

It is other people’s opinions of you, not something that you have chosen for yourself.

Step 2 – Recognise that you have negative programming.

Are you easily triggered? This is the first sign that you have negative programming that is no longer functioning well in your mind and body.

The brain has two modes of thinking - complete Belief and complete Denial.

The trigger exists in the middle, where you no longer believe what is said but you don’t realise it or you think you can’t deny it as everyone says it is so.

Start the process of understanding your triggers and use them as the best way to move forward in your life. Consider these questions.

Ask yourself why you feel this way.

Why do you react this way?

What caused these feelings or reactions?

Step 3 – fixing and deprogramming.

When you are ready to fix and reprogram these thoughts there are a few tools and methods that can help you.

Gabby Bernstein - in her book Super Attractor calls it the Holy Instant. This is where you stop the thought in its tracks, bring it out into the open or into the light, analyse what it means for you and then thank it so you can set it free. Then you can insert your new thought program instead.

Affirmations are a fantastic way to do this along with EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping. They both work by changing your mindset and reprogramming yourself with positive reinforcements. They will override old programming exactly like writing a new script in a computer program.

Step 4 – Live your Life to your fullest potential.

When you have a strong mindset and know exactly who you are, the world is full of unlimited potential. You can do anything you set your mind to. Your mind becomes full of ideas and inspiration.

Then all you have to do is go and chase after it. Reach for the stars and make the world exactly how you want it to be. Manifest your dreams and be the best version of yourself that you can be.


Anger Eats at Your Soul 


Where does your inspiration come from?