Lungs - A spiritual journey to self healing

My lungs have caused major problems for most of my adult life. It started with being diagnosed with bronchiolitis resulting in severe Asthma when I was 21. Throughout my 20's, I developed Glandular Fever, followed by Pleurisy and Bronchitis. During my 30's, I contracted Pneumonia and a Pulmonary Embolism. Then, in my 40s I suffered with Whooping Cough. So over the last 25 years, I have had more lung conditions than I can count.

As I opened myself up to spiritual practices, I needed to find out why. Why was this happening to me? Why were my lungs not working properly? I discovered the main metaphysical reason for lung problems is a self-belief that you don't deserve to live. Taking a deep dive into myself, I found this to be a truth for me. Thus began my journey into spiritual healing. I thoroughly researched all the different reasons and the best methods to heal myself. Over the years I chose to work with crystals, essential oils, salt lamps, journaling and spiritual healing modalities. These methods helped to improve my lungs and below are some of the combinations I used successfully.

Using Crystals to Support My Lungs

Firstly, I studied crystal therapy and Reiki healing. The combination of Rainbow Fluorite, Iron Pyrite, Amethyst, Amber and Moss Agate was extremely useful. Here is why:

  • Rainbow Fluorite helps to clear congestion from the ears, nose and throat thereby promoting better breathing

  • Iron Pyrite can be used for the treatment of lung disorders and bronchitis.

  • Amethyst assists with treating diseases of the respiratory organs and lungs.

  • Amber alleviates Asthma and Allergy symptoms. It also repairs the mucous membranes and the lungs.

  • Moss Agate is identified as a stabilising stone that helps to treat the lungs for breathing difficulties.

About 10 years ago, I started wearing a Rainbow Fluorite pendant during the day. I had another piece that I sat with the Iron Pyrite on my bedside table. Amethyst and Moss Agate tumbles were always in my pockets.  Amber was used during meditations and healing journeys. My Amber ring would be worn whenever my breathing got worse. I found this combination of crystals helped me immensely in alleviating the physical symptoms associated with my lung conditions. Keeping them nearby has resulted in no bronchial issues or asthma symptoms for over 3 years.

The power of Himalayan Salt Products

Further research introduced me to the power of Himalayan Salt products. Salt lamps clear the air of moisture and release negative ions into the air. Himalayan Rock salt was added to my food and cooking some meals on a Himalayan Rock salt slab replaced much-needed minerals in my body. Bathing with Himalayan salt crystals became routine as they helped cleanse toxins from my body and inhaling the salt dust strengthened my lungs. The lamps are on as often as I am home and all day at the shop to enhance my energy and stabilise my lungs. It was easy to see the simple difference it made as I would revert back to coughs and colds in the winter when I wasn't using them.

Journaling and healing the hidden emotions associated with my lungs

In the last few years, I have spent a considerable amount of time in self-healing and self-development. During this time I unearthed the root causes of a lot of my health issues concerning my lungs. At first, discovering the hidden metaphysical meaning was due to not believing I have the right to live, hit me for a six. However, when I reviewed the story of my life and the situations I found myself in, it made perfect sense. Shifting the reasons behind this was exhilarating for me and it enabled me to choose consciously how I live my life. I started to follow my purpose and live in my passion. Consequently, it sent me down a path of discovering my true mission of how I want to make a difference in this world.

Essential Oils - Using the Power of Nature

Being a condition that never really goes away you continue to manage it as best as you can. This means, reducing the number of episodes and handling the symptoms as they arise without medications that cause bad reactions for me. Using a combination of Essential oils including Respiratory blend, peppermint, eucalyptus and lemon I am able to manage these. Every winter I make my own inhaler to clear the nose. Diffusing different oils to breathe better throughout the day and night.

To combat seasonal threats, I will use a few drops of peppermint and eucalyptus oil in the shower for steam inhalation and that alive feeling. A respiratory blend vapour stick is swiped under my nose, and rubbed on my chest or the soles of my feet. Not to mention, adding lemon oil and honey to hot water to warm you up.

Spiritual and energetic healing practices

Reiki was a great discovery to help me with my own spiritual healing. Along with the crystal therapy, I practiced Reiki healing on myself and where possible reached out to other Reiki healers for healing. Great improvements were found with this modality alone. I also delved into Kinesiology for in-depth block clearing, and soul retrieval therapy sessions to discover why I felt I didn't deserve life, float tanks, aromatherapy massage and past life therapies. These treatments have blended together over the years to get me where I am today. I found what worked best for me and I encourage others to follow to find the path that is best for them.

Ongoing therapies to enhance my lungs

Thankfully for the past 3 years, I have not had any problems with my lungs. Even with the recent bushfires and COVID-19 situation, in the past, I would have been on heavy medications or had a trip to the hospital - yet nothing. The practices I have mentioned have made such a huge difference that I rarely have any lung symptoms anymore. For this I am grateful, yet I never take it for granted that they are gone for good.

Therefore, when a friend recently invited me to the Salt Therapy Wellness Centre in Penrith, I went - OMG! This is one amazing healing centre. The pharmaceutical-graded sea salt they use is magnificent for healing, not only lung conditions, but skin disorders and snoring too. After each session, I feel so relaxed. Not only from the peaceful atmosphere, massage chair and soothing music, I also noticed a huge improvement in my lung capacity. I breathe deeper and slower after each session and have a better and more restful sleep.


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