Grounding - How and Why

Grounding needs to be an integral part of your daily routine and psychic connection. Placing your feet firmly on the ground creates a stronger connection to spirit. There are many different techniques. Therefore you need to find what works best for you. Everyone grounds in their own way. Below are some techniques I use for grounding.


Grounding methods

  • Place your feet firmly on the floor and imagine roots coming out of the soles of your feet and spreading down into the earth.

  • Visualise hooks or horns propelling from the feet and drilling down through the earth's surface. Connect all the way to the Earth’s core and the crystal anchored there, or go as shallow or deep as you can. Most people can easily imagine 6 feet or so.

  • Imagine the light running through your body skyrocketing from Earth to Heaven, the Pranic Line, anchoring you to the earth.

  • Walk barefoot on the ground and feel the vibrational effects from the ground without barriers.

  • Hug a tree or lean back against one.

  • Push your energy downwards while walking downstairs on each step as you step down.

  • Stomp your feet and push your power down through your knees to the floor.

  • Run your finger from the top of your forehead down to the bottom of your nose.

  • Use Rosemary oil, place it in your palms and breathe deeply.


Why is grounding important?


By remaining connected to Earth, you are able to send your energy higher. Grounding permits you to access the other realms and planes where you connect with spirit. Anchoring your energy makes sure you are fully present in the moment and stops the unwanted feeling of leaving your body. Thereby, creating a clearer channel for your spiritual communication and ensuring you don’t suffer unnecessary symptoms. Lightheadedness, vertigo, tripping over things, and being unsteady on your feet are all symptoms of not being grounded. It may also cause miscommunication between the messages you are receiving.


Grounding and meditation


Ground your energy before you start your meditation and ground it again when you are finished. Do you meditate while sitting in a chair? Keep your feet planted on the floor to ground your energy. But, what if you like to sit in the lotus position on a comfortable cushion? With your feet crossed rather than flat on the floor, ground your energy from your base or root chakra. Imagine an anchor, cord, line, rope or cable protruding from your base chakra through the earth and connecting with the core crystal. Grounding makes sure that you can draw your energy back into your body after your meditation. Struggling to return and reconnect with your body after meditation sessions means you had not grounded your energy sufficiently before you started. Being grounded before raising your vibration avoids the side effects mentioned above.


What if I am lying down for my meditation practices?

If you lie down to meditate, you still visualise your energy coming out of your feet and connecting through the floor. It works just as well as placing your feet flat on the floor. Visualisation or stating your intention also activates your grounding energy. After your meditation, you will also want to set your feet on the floor and connect back to the Earth. Resulting in the full connection of self back in your body and making you feel stable on your feet.


Other reasons to ground our energy


Have you ever had too much energy in your body and felt woozy or out of sync? These are typical symptoms of not being grounded.  Some ways to fix this are walking outside barefoot on the grass, hugging a tree, and pushing your energy downwards through your feet and hands back into the earth. You can do these whenever you feel misaligned with your energy. Sometimes you may not be able to do this alone, and this is where I certainly support using grounding crystals like Black Tourmaline, Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Agate and more. Finally, find out your own best method and stick to it. Daily practice makes it easier and becomes a habit over time. It will become second nature to connect your energy when you get out of bed. Therefore you don’t have to think about it. You will naturally do it.


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