Journalling to release unwanted emotions and heal your past

Release Unwanted Emotions

Release Unwanted Emotions: A Journey to Freedom and Growth


Unwanted emotions can wreak havoc on our lives, holding us back in relationships, work, and personal growth. These emotions can even manifest as physical pain, anxiety, or depression. However, the good news is you don’t have to carry these burdens any longer. By uncovering and releasing them, you can create a happy, free, and fulfilling life.

Here’s a 7-step journaling process to help you release these emotions, gain clarity, and empower yourself to move forward.

1. What Happened?

Start by identifying the event or unwanted emotions that weigh heavy on you. Write down everything you remember about the incident:

  • What happened?
  • Who was involved?
  • Where were you?
  • How did it unfold?

Be as detailed as possible, capturing your perspective at the time. This exercise lays the foundation for understanding the emotions tied to the event.

2. How Did You Feel at the Time?

Reflect on how you felt during the incident. What emotions were dominant? Were you angry, sad, ashamed, or overwhelmed?
Write down all your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations from that moment. This step helps you connect with your younger self and acknowledge how the event impacted you at the time.

3. How Do You Feel About It Now?

Compare how you felt back then to how you feel now. Time has likely softened the intensity of those emotions. Recognising this change helps you see how far you’ve already come and validates your growth.

4. What Did You Learn?

Every challenge carries a lesson. Look for the positive qualities or skills you gained from the experience, such as resilience, compassion, or self-awareness.
Show gratitude for the lessons, even if the situation was difficult. Gratitude helps you embrace your journey and acknowledge that each experience has shaped the amazing person you are today.

5. Forgive Yourself

This step is crucial. Forgive yourself for any mistakes, misunderstandings, or self-blame tied to the event. Realise that your younger self did the best they could with the knowledge they had at the time.
Reassure that version of yourself that you’ve survived and thrived, and that the lessons learned have made you stronger and wiser.

6. Forgive Them

Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning someone’s actions or forgetting the harm caused. It’s about reclaiming your power and releasing the hold the event has on you.
Understand that those who hurt us often played a role we agreed to as part of our soul’s journey. By forgiving them, you let go of the negativity and free yourself to move forward.

7. Write Letters for Closure

Write letters to express emotions you’ve been holding inside. These letters don’t need to be sent—they’re just for you.

  • Write a letter to the person involved, expressing everything you feel.
  • Write a letter to your younger self, offering love, compassion, and understanding.

This process is incredibly cathartic, allowing you to release pent-up anger, hurt, or betrayal. Once written, you can keep the letters for reflection or release them by tearing them up or burning them.

Move Past Your Unwanted Emotions: Use Your Lessons for Empowerment

After reflecting on your growth and the lessons you’ve learned, turn those insights into affirmations and mantras. For example:

  • “I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenge.”
  • “I am worthy of love, joy, and happiness.”
  • “Forgiving myself and others  frees me to live my best life.”

By embracing your lessons and shifting your perspective, you’ll find yourself free from the emotional weight of the past. Use this freedom to manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of—a life filled with joy, creativity, and purpose.

Take the First Step Today

Are you ready to release what no longer serves you and step into your power? Grab your journal, start this process, and watch your transformation unfold. You’ve already survived the hardest part. Now, it’s time to thrive and shine. 

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