Unlocking Your Spirtual Gifts – Understanding the Clairs

Spiritual Awakening with Shaz
Spiritual Awakening with Shaz
Unlocking Your Spirtual Gifts - Understanding the Clairs

In this episode of Spiritual Awakening with Shaz, we dive deep into the fascinating world of the clairs—the intuitive gifts that connect us to Spirit and enhance our daily lives. From clairvoyance (clear seeing) to clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), and even clairgustance (clear tasting) and clairalience (clear smelling), we explore how these abilities manifest both physically and spiritually.

Discover how to recognise these subtle signs in your life, whether it’s seeing flashes of light, hearing ringing tones, feeling temperature changes, or experiencing sudden intuitive downloads. Shaz shares practical techniques to identify your dominant clair, strengthen your abilities, and use them to elevate your connection with the universe.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

How the clairs manifest differently for each person.
Simple practices to develop and refine each intuitive gift.
How journaling and meditation can deepen your connection.
Why your unique experiences and interpretations matter most.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey or looking to sharpen your intuitive skills, this episode is packed with insights and actionable steps to help you align with your higher self.

Don’t miss this uplifting episode! Like, subscribe, and join the conversation as we explore the wonders of awakening and Spirit’s guiding hand. For more insights, inspiration, and updates, follow me on all socials at @Shazcini and visit www.shazcini.com for resources and session bookings!
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