Manifesting is Easy- Bernadette Waller

Manifesting is Easy

Manifesting Is Easy—If You Let It Be

Manifesting can be simple. It starts with a thought, followed by a request, and the belief that it’s already yours. Just ask, and it shall be delivered!

My Recent Experience with Manifesting

As Christmas approached, I found myself slipping into the usual holiday stress—worrying about gifts, food, and the family dynamics that come with the season. This time, I also noticed a negative shift in my money mindset. I realised I was falling back into old, unhelpful patterns of scarcity.

Even though I was aware of the issue, I wasn’t actively addressing it. But I decided it was time to change. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t need to live with these limiting beliefs anymore.

That’s when the universe stepped in to guide me. A video popped up on my feed, offering a simple yet powerful suggestion for manifesting:

“Just ask!”


Realising My Manifesting Potential

Looking back, I realised I’d been manifesting successfully for years without fully recognising it. From jobs and a car to romantic partners and even a block of land—these were all manifestations I’d brought into my life, often without conscious effort.

Even the small wins—like parking spots right by the door or movie tickets at sold-out screenings—were forms of manifesting. We all do it, but we often don’t acknowledge it as such.

This time, I decided to be intentional about it.

Changing My Approach to Manifesting

Armed with the knowledge that I just needed to ask, I decided to give it a go. A week before Christmas, I thought:

“Okay, Universe. I could really use some extra money to help with Christmas expenses. Please bring me what I need, and I will be so grateful.”

I said this aloud, thanked the Universe, and then let it go.

The Power of Letting Go

To my surprise, the very next day, I received $70 in my account—unexpectedly.

Encouraged, I tried again. This time, I asked for more, with a specific purpose in mind:

“Could I please have a little more money to cover gifts for [specific people]?”

Once again, I expressed gratitude and left it to the Universe.

The following day, I was gifted with e-vouchers worth $800.

Testing the Process

At this point, I was curious. Could I manifest something bigger? I decided to ask for $5,000:

“Universe, God, Creator, Source, Angels, Archangels, Guides, and Loved Ones Past,
Please bring me $5,000 by Christmas. I promise to use it wisely for [specific intention].
With love, gratitude, and thanks.”

I didn’t dwell on it or question how it would happen—I just trusted.

On Christmas morning, I woke to find $5,000 deposited into my account. A family member had gifted me the exact amount I had asked for.

Manifesting Is About Mindset

What I’ve learned is that manifesting is controlled by your mindset. When you decide with unwavering confidence that something is going to happen, you create the space for it to manifest.

Here’s the key:

  1. Decide what you want. Be specific about your desires.
  2. Ask the Universe to deliver it. Speak with clarity, confidence, and gratitude.
  3. Believe it’s already yours. Act as though it’s on its way.
  4. Stay aligned. Focus on the emotions and feelings of already receiving it.

Energy follows thought, but it’s the emotion behind it that activates the process. Let the Universe handle the “how” and “when” while you remain in a state of trust.

Gratitude: The Ultimate Manifesting Tool

Gratitude is the foundation of manifesting. When you express genuine appreciation for what you already have, you raise your vibration and attract even more blessings.

Take a moment to reflect on your blessings and say:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe. With much love and gratitude.”


Guest Blog by – Bernadette Waller

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