Cut your Cords and Call Your Energy Back

Call Your Energy Back

Call Your Energy Back Daily for Optimum Health and Well-Being

Every day, as you go about your life, you interact with countless people, places, and situations. These interactions create energy cords that connect you to everyone and everything you encounter. With every conversation or connection, you give away a piece of your energy. Over time, these cords can drain your vitality, leaving you feeling tired, overwhelmed, or even unwell. The good news? You can easily restore your energy and maintain balance when you call your energy back daily.

How to Maintain Your Energy

Maintaining and managing your energy is essential for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some simple techniques to help you cut energy cords and call your energy back:

1. Cleanse with a Selenite Crystal

Think of selenite as your energetic soap. Swipe the crystal up and down around your body, just a few centimetres away, to cleanse your aura and release any energy cords attached to you.

2. Call on Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is the protector and the ultimate energy cleanser. Visualise him wielding his mighty sword and cutting all the cords attached to your energy. As he does this, imagine your energy returning to you, restored and whole.

3. Use Your Hand for Cord Cutting

Use your hand in a karate-chopping motion, swiping down in front of your solar plexus and belly button area. This physical gesture symbolises cutting energetic ties and is particularly effective when you’re out and about.

Why It’s Important to Cut Energy Cords

Leaving energy cords attached to others can create significant imbalances in your own vibration. Here’s why cord-cutting is crucial:

  • Preserve Your Energy: When cords remain attached, your energy becomes entangled with others’ emotions and vibrations, leading to feelings of overwhelm.
  • Prevents Energy Drain: Uncut cords can drain your vitality, leaving you feeling fatigued or emotionally depleted.
  • Supports Well-Being: Long-term connection to others’ energy can disrupt your mental and physical health, potentially contributing to dis-ease.
  • Reclaims Your Power: Cutting cords helps you focus on your own energy and emotions, empowering you to process and heal effectively.

If you feel run down, ask yourself: Is this my energy, or does it belong to someone else? If it’s not yours, cut the cords and release the energy back to the universe.

How Often Should You Cut Energy Cords?

At a minimum, it’s essential to cut your energy cords and call your energy back every night before bed. This ensures peaceful rest and rejuvenation. However, you can do this as often as needed.

For example, you might cut cords:

  • After sessions with clients.
  • After visiting friends or family.
  • After spending time in crowded or high-energy environments.

The more frequently you cut cords and reset your energy, the more grounded and balanced you’ll feel.

Prayer to Call Your Energy Back

Invoke Archangel Michael to help you cut cords and restore your energy.

Archangel Michael Prayer
“I call all my power back to me now.
Cut all the cords and energy I have shared with others.
Clear and disconnect me from all that drains me.
Shield my energy from anything that no longer serves me.
I am safe, I am protected, I am whole.
And so it is.”

Visualise Archangel Michael cutting all cords and enveloping you in a protective shield of light. Centre your energy within your body, ground yourself, and prepare for a peaceful, rejuvenating sleep.

Why You Should Call Your Energy Back

Reclaiming your energy is one of the most powerful self-care practices you can implement. By cutting cords daily, you protect your energy, nurture your well-being, and stand fully in your power.

Make this a daily ritual, and watch how it transforms your health, happiness, and overall vitality.

Ready to reclaim your energy and stand in your power?

Book a session today to learn personalised techniques to protect and restore your energy.

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